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       id3 - a command line mass tagger

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       id3 [-v] [-m] [-123] [-d] [-t title] [-a artist] [-l album]
	 [-n tracknr] [-y year] [-g genre] [-c comment]
	 [-f template] [-q format] [-D file] [-R] [-M]
	 [-E] [-s size] [-u] [-rFRAME] [-wFRAME data] “filespec”

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       id3  mass tagger is a tool for listing and manipulating ID3 and Lyrics3
       tags in multiple files. It can generate tag fields  from  the  filename
       and other variables, and/or rename files, using an intuitive syntax.

       id3  currently  supports  the  old-style  ID3  format with track-number
       extension (ID3 v1.1), as  well  as  the	more  complicated  ID3v2  (ID3
       v2.2.0,	v2.3.0) format.  This also means use is pretty much limited to
       audio files which use these formats, e.g, MPEG-1 Layer III.

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       Order of the options is only important where specified.

       filespec ...
	      specifies the file(s) to be affected by the command.

	      If you use wildcards, it is necessary to enclose the  specifica‐
	      tion in double quotes ("") for pattern matching to work.

       -h     show command line help

       -V     display version number and copyright

       -v     be verbose

       -1     process/add ID3v1 tags.

       -2     process/add ID3v2 tags.

       -3     process/add Lyrics3 tags.

	      If  more	than  one tag type is specified, they are all written,
	      but only the left-most tag is read from. If no tag type is spec‐
	      ified,  id3  will  by default attempt to read ID3v2, Lyrics3 and
	      ID3v1 tags in that order, only modify existing ID3v2 and Lyrics3
	      tags, and modify/add ID3v1 tags.

       -R     searches	recursively;  Normally, path separators in filespec do
	      not get matched by `?' or `*' wildcards. With this switch,  they
	      are treated as an ordinary character.

       -M     preserve last modification time of files operated on

       --     force  the  following  argument to be interpreted as a filename.
	      Use this for files that start with a `-' (dash).

   Modifying operations
       The default operation of id3 is to list the tags found. By using any of
       the following options, this behaviour is inhibited.

       -d     do  not  re-use  existing tag data. If no new tag information is
	      specified in conjunction with this  option,  all	selected  tags
	      will be removed.

       -t title
       -a artist
       -l album
       -n tracknr
       -y year
       -g genre
       -c comment

	      add/replace  the	specified fields in all selected tags with the
	      values given. Field values are scanned  for  substitution  vari‐
	      ables,  see  SUBSTITUTION  below.  If  a field value is a single
	      variable, and its substitution fails, no operation is performed.

	      Genres can be specified either directly or with  their  assigned
	      number, regardless of tag format.

       -f filename-template
	      rename  files  encountered  according to filename-template.  The
	      argument is scanned for substitution variables. An  empty  vari‐
	      able  will  by  default  get replaced with “Unknown”.  Trying to
	      rename to an already existing file will cause an error.

       -q format
	      for each file encountered, format will get scanned for substitu‐
	      tion  variables,	and  written  to  standard  output. Using this
	      option will block any attempt to modify files.

       -m     match mode; interpret any variables found in  a  filespec  as  a
	      wildcard,  and  set  the	tag field corresponding to the matched
	      wildcard.    Thus,   `-m "%a - %t.mp3"'	is   equivalent    for
	      `-a %1 -t %2 "* - *.mp3"'.   This  option  is merely a shorthand
	      and does not add any intelligence; in particular,  any  variable
	      interpreted still counts as a wildcard, see SUBSTITUTION below.

       -D filename
	      duplicate  and copy the tags of the specified format as found in
	      filename to the target files. The tag in each file  is  replaced
	      after  any  variables  have been read, but before any fields are

	      Any original tag values not explicitly copied  to  the  new  tag
	      (for  example,  by using -u) are lost. If filename does not have
	      any tags, this option is identical to the -d option.   SUBSTITU‐
	      TION below.

       The  following  options	only  apply  on the tag most recently selected
       before them, and only have meaning where relevant.

       -E     only write a tag of the most recently selected type  if  a  file
	      already contains it; do not add new ones.

       -u     update  all  standard tag fields by copying them from the source
	      tag. This is similar to writing `-talnygc %t %a %l %n %y %g %c',
	      but only operates on the most recent tag. It is possible for the
	      source and destination tag to be the same.

       -s size
	      try to write a new tag using exactly size bytes, adding / remov‐
	      ing padding as necessary. The resulting tag will have no padding
	      if size is smaller than the actual size necessary.

	      remove all occurrences of frames named FRAME from the tag.  Con‐
	      sult the format documentation for valid FRAME names.

       -wFRAME data
	      add / update a frame named FRAME with data in the  tag.  data is
	      scanned for substitution variables. Again,  consult  the	format
	      documentation. See COMPATIBILITY for more information.

       Individual  options can be stacked in a single argument for more conve‐
       nience.	For example, running

	  id3 -2d -alt "Artist" "Album" "Title" *.mp3

       is equivalent to:

	  id3 -2 -d -a "Artist" -l "Album" -t "Title" *.mp3

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       id3 can perform “printf-like” substitution on the values prior to writ‐
       ing  them  to a tag. Note that if you want to use pattern matching, you
       HAVE TO enclose the wildcard specification on the command line in  dou‐
       ble quotes to prevent your shell from expanding any wildcards.

       \c     escape  sequence. \n, \r, \t, \v, \f, \b, \a, get replaced as in
	      C, any other character will be stripped of any special  meaning.
	      E.g., \n becomes the newline character, \\ a single backslash.

	      where  N	<-  [0..9]  replaced with the portion of the file path
	      matching the nth `*' (asterisk) wildcard in the file  specifica‐
	      tion. 0 is taken to mean 10.

	      where c <- [a..z]
	      replaced by values according to the following table:

	      %t title
	      %a artist
	      %l album title
	      %n track number
	      %y year
	      %g genre
	      %c comment field
	      %f file name (without path)
	      %p path to filename
	      %x auto-increasing counter
	      %X file counter

	      Values get read (where applicable) from the source tag, which is
	      the left-most tag selected on the command line, and reflect  the
	      state  of  the  file  before any modifications were made. If the
	      source value is not available, the variable  fails.   %p%f  com‐
	      bines  to  the  full  path  and  file  name.  The  %x value gets
	      increased every time it has been	substituted  inside  the  same
	      directory,  and is intended for auto-numbering. %X increases for
	      every file processed.

       %%     replaced with a single “%”, equivalent to \%

       %|text||alt text||...|?
	      substituted by the first text that was completely successful, or
	      fails  as  empty,  see  fall-backs below. This can be used as an
	      all-or-nothing substitution. A lone “%?” always fails.

   Available <modifiers> (optional):
       + (plus sign)
	      Capitalize the substituted value

       - (minus sign)
	      Convert all characters to lowercase

       _ (underscore)
	      Use the  raw  value  of  the  variable.  Normally,  substitution
	      replaces any underscores with spaces, and condenses empty white‐

       * (asterisk)
	      Split the variable into separate words by looking at  the  capi‐

       # (hash or pound sign)
	      Attempt  to  fit	numeric  values in the substituted string to a
	      desired width, by removing or adding  leading  zeros.   Multiple
	      hash  signs  can	be  stacked  to indicate the desired width. If
	      there are no numeric values, this modifier has no effect.

	      If substitution for a variable fails, attempt fall-back instead.
	      fall-back  itself  may  be  empty  or  contain  other  variables
	      (including other fall-backs). If	fall-back  contains  variables
	      that  fail,  the	fall-back  fails and will not be used. If more
	      than one fall-back is provided, successive fall-backs are  tried
	      until one succeeds.

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       Here are some examples of using id3 :

       id3 -a "Stallman" -t "Free Software Song" fs_song.mp3"
	      Add a simple tag to a file.

       id3 muzak.mp3
	      List tag information in a file.

       id3 -d *.mp3
	      Removes all ID3v1 tags from all mp3's.

       id3 -2 -1u fs_song.mp3
	      Copy ID3v2 tag to ID3v1 tag in selected file.

       id3 -D source.mp3 -1 -2 dest.mp3
	      Duplicate ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags of source.mp3

       id3 -a "TAFKAT" -n "%1" -t "%+2" "*. *.mp3"
	      Update tag fields similar to this;
		-a "TAFKAT" -n "01" -t "My Song"  "01. my_song.mp3"
		-a "TAFKAT" -n "02" -t "Untitled" "02. untitled.mp3"

       id3 -2 -f "%a - %t.mp3" blaet.mp3
	      Rename file to a standard format, using ID3v2 values.

       id3 -a %t -t %a "*.mp3"
	      Swap artist and title fields in all mp3's.

       id3 -2 -rAPIC -s 0 *.mp3
	      Removes embedded images and padding from all mp3's.

       id3 -2d -u *.mp3
	      Rewrite ID3v2 tag while keeping only the basic fields.

       id3 -2 -wUSLT "foo, bar0alala!0 blaet.mp3
	      Adds an ID3v2 lyric frame to blaet.mp3.

       id3 -v -g alt-rock -alnt "The Author" %1 %2 %3 "Author - */(*) *.mp3"
	      Process multiple directories at once.

       id3 -v -g alt-rock -a "The Author" -m "Author - %l/(%n) %t.mp3"
	      Shorthand for the previous example.

       id3 -2 -c "Was: %_f" -f "%|Nobody|a - %|Untitled (%x)|t.mp3" "*.mp3"
	      Advanced rename. Saves previous filename in the comment field.

       id3 -2 -q "%| %a - %|Untitled|t || %t || %1 |?" "*.mp3"
	      Generate a playlist.

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| ' \/ _ \  _/ -_|_-<
       The  internal  pattern matching emulates the normal pattern matching of
       “sh”. It supports ?, * and [].

       A shell pattern will never match a forward slash (“/”) or a  dot  (“.”)
       beginning a filename. Wildcards can be used for directories as well (to
       arbitrary depths), in which case a search will be performed.

       In an ambiguous situation, the pattern matcher will  always  resolve  a
       “*”  wildcard to the shortest possible sequence of tokens. This differs
       from the behavior of regular expressions,  however  it  tends  to  make
       sense in the context of filenames.

       Do NOT add ID3 tags to files for which it does not make sense, i.e, add
       them only to MP3 files. In particular, do not add  ID3v2  tags  to  Ogg
       files, since ID3v2 tags start at the beginning of the file.

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       id3 has a built-in genre list of 148 genres. If you pass the -g parame‐
       ter a string instead of a number when using ID3v1, id3  tries  to  find
       the  specified  genre  in  this	list, and selects the closest possible
       match (if any). For the genre numbers and exact spelling,  see  id3v1.c
       in  the	source distribution. An empty or invalid genre is assigned the
       number 0.

       id3 automatically writes Unicode tags  where  necessary.  Depending  on
       your  system, you may only be able to fully work with all characters if
       you are using an UTF-8 locale.

       id3 will write the ID3v2 tag version that was encountered and does  not
       convert	from  one version to another. If no existing tag is found, ID3
       v2.3 will be written (this may change in a future version).

       The  -wFRAME  parameter	only  knows  the  following  ID3v2.2  (3  let‐
       ter)/ID3v2.3  (4  letter)  frames:  T??/T???  (text), W??/W??? (links),
       COM/COMM (comment), IPL/IPLS  (involved	 people),  ULT/USLT  (lyrics),
       CNT/PCNT (numeric play counter) and USER (tos, v2.3 only).  Frames that
       do not match the tag type encountered are ignored and not converted. It
       is a no-op for ID3v1.

       id3 does not (currently) support ID3v2 v4.0 tags. It also does not sup‐
       port ID3v2 features as compression, encryption, ...

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/ _` | || |  _| ' \/ _ \ '_|
       Written by Marc R. Schoolderman <[email protected]>.

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       This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There  is
       NO  warranty;  not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR

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       Program homepage: