This Power BI report provides an analysis of stop and search activities conducted by law enforcement in the UK, focusing on trends over time, regional distribution, demographics, and outcomes. The report is intended to support transparency and informed decision-making in policing practices, helping to identify patterns and potential areas for policy improvement.
The dataset includes:
- Search Details: Date, time, and reason for stop and search.
- Demographics: Age, gender, and ethnicity of individuals stopped.
- Outcomes: Results of searches, including arrests, warnings, and no-action outcomes.
- Geographical Data: Location data to analyze search frequency by region or police force area.
- Additional Context: Data on special events, such as protests, to contextualize peaks.
- Trends Over Time: Visualize changes in stop and search frequency on a monthly and yearly basis.
- Demographic Analysis: Breakdown by age, gender, and ethnicity to understand how different groups are affected.
- Search Outcomes: Analysis of results, including arrest rates, to assess search effectiveness.
- Regional Insights: Map view to display high and low search areas, highlighting regional variations.
- Reason for Search: Identify the most common reasons for stop and search, such as suspected drug possession or weapon carrying.
This Power BI report offers a comprehensive view of stop and search practices across the UK, providing valuable insights into demographic impacts, regional differences, and the outcomes of searches. It serves as a resource for policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and community organizations interested in promoting transparency and effectiveness in policing.