Starred repositories
CR6Community / Marlin
Forked from MarlinFirmware/MarlinThis Marlin fork has the goal of cleaning-up the source code changes for the CR-6 so it can be merged upstream. We also want to extend the functionality to make it fully functional
samuraijap / TFTLCD-Library
Forked from adafruit/TFTLCD-LibraryArduino library for 8-bit TFT LCDs such as ILI9325, ILI9328, etc byMCUFRIEND
whpthomas / GPX
Forked from markwal/GPXGcode to x3g conversion post processor
Source Code for the book: Machine Learning in Action published by Manning
moddity / Rester
Forked from alixaxel/ArrestDBRESTful PHP API for MySQL Databases
mzsanford / twitter-text-php
Forked from mikenz/twitter-text-phpTwitter text processing library (auto linking and extraction of usernames, lists and hashtags). Based on the Ruby and Java implementations by Matt Sanford
alixaxel / ArrestDB
Forked from gilbitron/Arrest-MySQLRESTful PHP API for SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL Databases
IntelliJ AutoCompletion plugin for maven gradle dependencies
Goddchen / commons-codec
Forked from apache/commons-codecMirror of Apache Commons Codec
Actionscript examples for use with the Away3D engine for Flash Player 11
A DI driven MVCS framework for Flex and Flash