- Hong Kong
PixelUpdater / PixelUpdater
Forked from chenxiaolong/CustotaAndroid A/B OTA updater app for rooted Pixels
0bbedCode / XPL-EX
Forked from M66B/XPrivacyLuaReally simple to use privacy manager for Android 6.0 Marshmallow and later
修改Captive Portal服务器, 可解Android 网络感叹号问题
Fix Play Integrity <A13 verdicts, allowing custom fields and props
arichornlover / uYouEnhanced
Forked from qnblackcat/uYouPlusuYouEnhanced (by @arichornlover) is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users!
pvvx / ATC_MiThermometer
Forked from atc1441/ATC_MiThermometerCustom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software
qnblackcat / uYouPlus
Forked from MiRO92/uYou-for-YouTubeuYou+ is a modified version of uYou (made by @MiRO92) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users!
NeoApplications / Neo-Backup
Forked from jensstein/oandbackupbackup manager for android
Make SRT Caption Fast!!!!
Make SRT Caption Fast!!!!
Atheros 3k kernel extension (kext) for mac osx lion/mountain lion - firmware upload.
[Unofficial] qBittorrent Enhanced, based on qBittorrent
BrightnessMenulet is an Mac OS X app that allows you to control display brightness via DDC/CI protocol
wazery / ratyrate
Forked from muratguzel/letsrate⭐ A Ruby Gem that wraps the functionality of jQuery Raty library, and provides optional IMDB style rating.
spree / deface
Forked from BDQ/defaceRails plugin that allows you to customize ERB views in a Rails application without editing the underlying view.