al-one / ha_xiaomi_home
Forked from XiaoMi/ha_xiaomi_homeXiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant
jjm2473 / xteve_guide2go
Forked from alturismo/xteve_guide2goxteve_guide2go
zhumeng11 / IPTV
Forked from Meroser/IPTV📺IPTV电视直播,IPv6源[全网可用],完善的台标,几近完美的EPG节目预告🎈[强迫症福音]
MAME4droid (0.139u1) is developed by David Valdeita (Seleuco) as a port of the MAME 0.139 emulator by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. It emulates arcade games supported by this version of MAME w…
一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT 网页服务。 One-Click to deploy your own ChatGPT web UI.(基于 langchain 实现的插件版本 Plugin version implemented based on langchain)
iKenzo / OpenWRT-OpenAppFilter
Forked from destan19/OpenAppFilter基于OpenWrt的App过滤(上网管控)模块,支持抖音、斗鱼、王者荣耀、腾讯视频等上百款App过滤
xcp-ng / win-xenvss
Forked from xenserver/win-xenvssXCP-ng Windows Volume Shadow Service Provider
MutonUfoAI / pgina
Forked from pgina/pginapGina fork: Open Source Windows Authentication
xcp-ng / xenadmin
Forked from xenserver/xenadminXCP-ng Center, the Windows management console for XCP-ng and XenServer. /!\ EOL-Notice /!\ Community-maintained only /!\
paolo-projects / unlocker
Forked from theJaxon/unlockerVMware Workstation macOS
Create free RDP debian OS on Google unlimited
guanwei / zabbix_manager
Forked from meetbill/zabbix_manager🍀 (1)安装后一键设置(2)日常管理工具(3)一键导出常用报表(4)zabbix api 二次开发