siji Public
An iconic bitmap font based on Stlarch with additional glyphs.
ceph.sh Public
personal scripts for managing/getting information from a Ceph cluster
Color-Scripts Public
User contributed color scripts
curl-building-blocks Public
Forked from Vonage/vonage-curl-code-snippets -
bioconda-recipes Public
Forked from bioconda/bioconda-recipesConda recipes for the bioconda channel.
browsh Public
Forked from browsh-org/browshA fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers
tutanota Public
Forked from tutao/tutanotaTutanota is the end-to-end encrypted mail client that enables you to communicate securely with anyone.
hello-world Public
Forked from leachim6/hello-worldHello world in every computer language. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this, make sure to see CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution instructions!
console-tdm Public
Forked from dopsi/console-tdmConsole display manager based on CDM
linux-kernel-exploitation Public
Forked from xairy/linux-kernel-exploitationA bunch of links related to Linux kernel exploitation
1 UpdatedNov 15, 2017 -
gitio Public
Forked from syntax-samurai/gitiocreate short / vanity github urls from the terminal
base-image-creator Public
Forked from CodersOS/base-image-creatorThese scripts create docker images which can be used as a basis for image creation.
CLItexties Public
Forked from 0mp/CLItextiesPost to txti.es from the commandline
aptpac Public
Forked from arcetera/aptpacpacman wrapper with apt syntax
fyre Public
Forked from lwilletts/fyrePOSIX compliant sh scripts for wmutils.
pass_to_keepass Public
Forked from wichmannpas/pass_to_keepassA simple pass to keepass export script.
PodcastGenerator Public
Forked from venam/PodcastGeneratorOpen Source Podcast Publishing Solution written in PHP
sailfish-headless-keyboard-dbus Public
Forked from abertschi/sailfish-headless-keyboard-dbusDBus Service to control keyboard of SailfishOS
wikimd Public
Forked from AntHar/wikimdwiki of my markdown notes for applications
1 UpdatedApr 9, 2015