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About the concepts of Full-NAT (FNAT), DR, Tunnel, TOA, OSPF/ECMP and keepalived, please refer LVS and Alibaba/LVS.
Note that DPVS supports FNAT, DR, Tunnel, NAT, SNAT forwarding modes, and each mode can be configured as one-arm or two-arm topology, with or without OSFP/ECMP/keepalived. There're too many combinations, I cannot list all the examples here. Let's just give some popular working models used in our daily work.
The term two-arm means, you have clients in one side of load-balancer (LB) and servers (RS) in another side, then LB forwards packets between its two logical network interfaces. For example, WAN-to-LAN load balancing.
On the other hand, one-arm means all clients and servers are in same side of load-balancer, LB forwards traffic through the same logical network interface.
Logical interface (or device) could be physical DPDK interface, or DPVS virtual devices like bonding, vlan and tunnel devices.
To make things easier, we do not consider virtual devices for now. Thus, two-arm topology need
two DPDK interfaces loaded with PMD driver(i.e. igb_uio), and
/etc/dpvs.conf should also be configured with two interfaces. Please refer the file conf/dpvs.conf.sample.
Like LVS, DPVS can be deployed as different sort of Cluster models for High-Available (HA) purpose. Both OSPF/ECMP and Master/Backup models are supported. OSPF/ECMP model need package quagga and its zebra and ospfd programs. And master/back model need Keepalived.
Considering DPDK application manages the networking interface completely (except the extra control NIC if exist), Linux Kernel and programs run on Kernel TCP/IP stack cannot receive packets from DPDK interface directly. To make Linux programs like sshd, zebra/ospfd and keepalived work, DPDK kni device is used. Then the Linux programs can working on kni device with Linux TCP/IP stack. Actually, DPVS passes the packets, which it's not interested in, to kni device. For instance, OSPF/VRRP/ssh packets. So that the programs "working" on Linux stack are able to handle them.
We do not want to port ospfd/keepalieved/sshd to DPDK environment, beacause TCP and Socket layer is needed. And the work load is another reason.
It should not that keepalived is modified by DPVS project to support some specific parameters. The codes is resident in tools/keepalived and the executable file is bin/keepalived. And ospfd/sshd is the standard version.
Let's start from Full-NAT example first, it's not the easiest but really popular.
This is a simple example for FullNAT (FNAT), forwarding between two interfaces. Assuming one is WAN interface (dpdk1) and another is LAN interface (dpdk0).
The setting including:
ip-addresses and routes for DPDK LAN/WAN network.
VIP on WAN interface (dpdk1)
FNAT service (vip:vport) and related RS
FNAT mode need at least one LIP on LAN interface (dpdk0)
#!/bin/sh -# add VIP to WAN interface
./dpip addr add dev dpdk1
# route for WAN/LAN access# add routes for other network or default route if needed.
./dpip route add dev dpdk1
./dpip route add dev dpdk0
# add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.# use ipvsadm --help for more info.
./ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
# add two RS for service, forwarding mode is FNAT (-b)
./ipvsadm -a -t -r -b
./ipvsadm -a -t -r -b
# add at least one Local-IP (LIP) for FNAT on LAN interface
./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t -F dpdk0
And you can use the commands below to check what's just set:
$ ./dpip addr show
inet scope global dpdk1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet scope global dpdk0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever sa_used 0 sa_free 1032176 sa_miss 0
$ ./dpip route show
inet via src dev dpdk1 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk1 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
And now to verify if FNAT (two-arm) works. I've setup Nginx server on RS (with TOA module) to response the HTTP request with Client's real IP and port. The response format is plain text (not html).
client$ curl
Your ip:port :
LIP or Local-IP is needed for FNAT translation, clients' CIP:cport will be replaced with LIP:lport, while VIP:vport will be translated to RS's RIP:rport. That's why the mode called "Full-NAT" I think.
Please use ipvsadm --add-laddr to set LIP instead of dpip addr add .... Because the both ipvs and inet module need LIP address, and sapool option will be set automatically.
Another tip is you can use dpip addr add dev dpdk1 to set VIP and WAN route simultaneously. But let's use two commands to make it clear.
Optionally, if RS need to obtain client's real IP:port by socket API, e.g., getpeername or accept, instead of some application manner. TOA kernel module should be installed on RS. TOA is developped for some version of Linux kernel, and porting may needed for other versions or other OS Kernel like BSD or mTCP.
You could refer to following links to get TOA source code and porting to your RS if needed.
TOA source code is included into DPVS project(in directory kmod/toa) since v1.7 to support IPv6 and NAT64. It is derived from the Alibaba TOA. For IPv6 applications which need client's real IP address, we suggest to use this TOA version.
Be aware that application may need some changes if you are using NAT64. An extra getsockopt should be called to obtain the client's real IPv6 address from the IPv4 socket on RS. As an example, we give a NAT64 patch for nginx-1.14. By the way, if you do not need client's real IP address, application needs no changes.
To work with OSPF, the patch in patch/dpdk-xxx/ must be applied to the corresponding DPDK source codes and the correct rte_kni.ko should be installed.
DPVS OSPF-cluster model looks like this, it leverages OSPF/ECMP for HA and high-scalability. This model is widely used in practice.
For DPVS, things become more complicated. As mentioned above, DPDK program (here is dpvs) have full control of DPDK NICs, so Linux program (ospfd) needs receive/send packets through kni device (dpdk1.kni) related to DPDK device (dpdk1).
DPDK apps based on whole TCP/IP stack like user-space Linux/BSD do not have this kind of configuration complexity, but more developing efforts are needed to porting ospfd and keepalived to the TCP/IP stack used by DPDK. Anyway, that's another solution.
Thus, the internal relationship among interfaces and programs looks like below,
Now the configuration has two parts, one is for dpvs and another is for zebra/ospfd.
dpvs part is almost the same with the example in simple fnat, except
one more address/route is needed to communicate between dpvs and wan-side L3-switch. For ospf packets, dpvs will just send them to kernel.
VIP should not only set to dpvs by dpip addr, but also need to set to kni, so that ospfd can be aware of it and then to publish.
If you add any kni_host route which means all packets will be sent to kernel by dpvs, the prefix length of kni_host must be 32.
#!/bin/sh -# routes for LAN access
./dpip route add dev dpdk0
# add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.# use ipvsadm --help for more info.
./ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
# add two RS-es for service, forwarding mode is FNAT (-b)
./ipvsadm -a -t -r -b
./ipvsadm -a -t -r -b
# add at Local-IPs (LIPs) for FNAT on LAN interface
./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t -F dpdk0
./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t -F dpdk0
# add addr/route for dpvs.
./dpip addr add dev dpdk1
./dpip addr add dev dpdk1
./dpip route add default via dev dpdk1
Then, the zebra/ospfd part. Firstly, run the OSPF protocol between DPVS server and wan-side L3-switch, with the "inter-connection network" (here is For DPVS, we set the inter-connection IP on dpdk1.kni.
Assuming quagga package is installed, if not, please use 'yum' (CentOS) or 'apt-get' (Ubuntu) to install it. After installed, you should have zebra and ospfd, as well as their config files.
$ ip link set dpdk1.kni up
$ ip addr add dev dpdk1.kni
$ ip addr add dev dpdk1.kni # add VIP to kni for ospfd
$ ip route add default via dev dpdk1.kni
VIP should be add to kni device, to let ospfd to publish it.
Check if inter-connection works by ping switch.
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2.19 ms
Now let's config zebra and ospfd. Nothing special for zebra, just use it with the default configuration.
$ cat /etc/quagga/zebra.conf # may installed to other path! -*- zebra -*-
!! zebra sample configuration file
!! Id: zebra.conf.sample,v 1.1 2002/12/13 20:15:30 paul Exp $
hostname localhost.localdomain # change to it real hostname
password ****enable password ****
log file /var/log/quagga/zebra.log
service password-encryption
For ospfd, these parameters need be set:
interface: it's WAN interface dpdk1.kni
route-id: not that significant, just use the LAN IP.
network: which network to advertise
the inter-connection network, and
the VIP
area-ID: should be the same with switch, here is for example.
Other parameters, like "p2p", "authentication", ... they must be consistent with Switch.
$ cat /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf # may installed to other path
log file /var/log/quagga/ospf.log
log stdout
log syslog
password ****enable password ****
interface dpdk1.kni # should be wan-side kni device
ip ospf hello-interval 10
ip ospf dead-interval 40
router ospf
ospf router-id # just use LAN IP
auto-cost reference-bandwidth 1000
network area # announce inter-connection network
network area # announce VIP
Considering the VIP's route is configured on KNI interface, an alternative way to publish VIP is to let ospfd redistribute the connected routes that match VIP. In this way, you don't need to modify the ospfd.conf file and reolad ospfd every time when you want to add more VIPs.
$ cat /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf # may installed to other path
log file /var/log/quagga/ospf.log
log stdout
log syslog
password ****enable password ****
access-list 1 permit # access-list 1 permits VIP segment
route-map ecmp permit 10 # route-map "ecmp" matches ip address from access-list 1
match ip address 1
interface dpdk1.kni # should be wan-side kni device
ip ospf hello-interval 10
ip ospf dead-interval 40
router ospf
ospf router-id # just use LAN IP
auto-cost reference-bandwidth 1000
network area # announce inter-connection network
redistribute connected route-map ecmp # redistribute VIPs in route-map "ecmp", route-map is not mandatory but advised
Note that OSPF must also be configured on l3-switch. This Tutorial is not about OSPF's configuration, so no more things about switch here.
Now start zebra and ospfd:
service restart zebra
service restart ospfd
Hopefully (if OSPF works), the VIP is accessible by client:
client: curl
There exists other solutions to acheive the OSPF-cluster model and the like. For example, OSPF and quagga can be replaced with BGP and bird, respectively. If you are interested, please refer to related docs or consult the network administrator.
This is an example for FullNAT used in internal network (LAN). Keepalived (DPVS modified version) is used for to make DPVS works as Master/Backup model.
By using keepalived, routes, LIP, VIP and RS can be configured through keepalived config file. Note the configure parameters for DPVS modified keepalived is slight different from original keepalived.
$ cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
! Configuration File for keepalived
global_defs {
notification_email {
[email protected]
notification_email_from [email protected]
smtp_connect_timeout 60
router_id DPVS_DEVEL
local_address_group laddr_g1 { dpdk0 # use DPDK interface dpdk0 # use DPDK interface
# VRRP section
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
state MASTER # master
interface dpdk0.kni # should be kni interface
dpdk_interface dpdk0 # should be DPDK interface
virtual_router_id 123 # VID should be unique in network
priority 100 # master's priority is bigger than worker
advert_int 1
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass ****
virtual_ipaddress {
# Virtual Server Section
virtual_server_group { 80
virtual_server group {
delay_loop 3
lb_algo rr # scheduling algorithm Round-Robin
lb_kind FNAT # Forwarding Mode Full-NAT
protocol TCP # Protocol TCP
laddr_group_name laddr_g1 # Local IP group-ID
real_server 80 { # real-server
weight 100
TCP_CHECK { # health check
nb_sock_retry 2
connect_timeout 3
connect_port 80
real_server 80 { # real-server
weight 100
TCP_CHECK { # health check
nb_sock_retry 2
connect_timeout 3
connect_port 80
The keepalived config for backup is the same with Master, except
local address is not the same with MASTER,
vrrp_instance state should be 'BACKUP',
vrrp_instance priority should be lower.
local_address_group laddr_g1 { dpdk0 # use DPDK interface dpdk0 # use DPDK interface
... ...
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
state BACKUP
priority 80
... ...
Start keepalived on both Master and Backup.
./keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
Then, add routes to DPDK interface manually on both MASTER and BACKUP.
./dpip route add dev dpdk0
Lastly, configure dpdk0.kni to make keepalived's vrrp and health-check work properly.
ip link set dpdk0.kni up
ip addr add dev dpdk0.kni # assign an IP to dpdk0.kni
dpip route add scope kni_host dev dpdk0 # route packets target at to dpdk0.kni
Note the dpdk0.kni's IP addresses should be different for MASTER and BACKUP.
Check if parameters just set are correct:
$ ./ipvsadm -ln
IP Virtual Server version 0.0.0 (size=0)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP rr
-> FullNat 100 0 0
-> FullNat 100 0 0
$ ./dpip addr show -s
inet scope global dpdk0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet scope global dpdk0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever sa_used 0 sa_free 1032176 sa_miss 0
inet scope global dpdk0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever sa_used 0 sa_free 1032176 sa_miss 0
$ ./dpip route show
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope kni_host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
$ ./ipvsadm -G
Seems good, then try access the VIP from client.
client$ curl
Your ip:port :
We just explain how DPVS works with keepalived, and not verify if the master/backup feature provided by keepalived works. Please refer LVS docs if needed.
Keepalived master/backup failover may fail if switch enabled the ARP broadcast suppression (unfortunately often is the case). If you don't want to change configurations of your switch, decrease the number of gratuitous ARP packets sent by keepalived (dpvs) on failover may help.
global_defs {
... ...
vrrp_garp_master_repeat 1 # repeat counts for master state gratuitous arp
vrrp_garp_master_delay 1 # time to relaunch gratuitous arp after failover for master, in second
vrrp_garp_master_refresh 600 # time interval to refresh gratuitous arp periodically(0 = none), in second
vrrp_garp_master_refresh_repeat 1 # repeat counts to refresh gratuitous arp periodically
... ...
Let's make a simple example for DR mode, some users may need it.
To use DR:
dpvs needs a LAN IP first. (for one-arm, it must be different from VIP).
the RS and DPVS must in same sub-network (on-link).
On RS: VIP must be added to its lo interface.
On RS: arp_ignore must be set to lo interface.
DPVS needs a RS-faced IP itself (here means "LAN-side" IP, it's not the same conception as Local-IP (LIP) used by FNAT, just a normal IP address). Because DPVS need communicated with RSes. For one-arm, this LAN IP and VIP are on same DPDK interface. But they cannot be same, because VIP will also be set on RSes, if we do not use a separated LAN-IP, RSes will not reply the ARP request. Furthermore, the LAN-IP of DPVS must be added before VIP.
For tow-arm DR, DPVS also need a LAN side IP to talk with LAN-side hosts, while VIP is configured on client-faced (WAN) interface.
On DPVS, The DR configuration can be,
# on DPVS# add LAN IP for DPVS, it must be different from VIP# and must be added before VIP.
./dpip addr add dev dpdk0
# add VIP and the route will generate automatically.
./dpip addr add dev dpdk0
# route for LAN network, just a hint.#./dpip route add dev dpdk0# add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.# use ipvsadm --help for more info.
./ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
# add two RS for service, forwarding mode is DR
./ipvsadm -a -t -r -g
./ipvsadm -a -t -r -g
And then on RSes,
# for each Real Server
rs$ ip addr add dev lo # add VIP to each RS's lo
rs$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_ignore=1 # ignore ARP on lo
net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_ignore = 1
Try if client can access VIP with DR mode.
client$ curl
Your ip:port :
DR mode for two-arm is similar with two-arm FNAT, please change the forwarding mode by ipvsadm -g, and you need NOT config LIP. Configuration of RSes are the same with one-arm.
Traffic flow of tunnel mode is the same as DR mode. It forwards packets to RSes, and then RSes send replies to clients directly. Different with DR mode, tunnel mode can forward packets across L2 network through ipip tunnels between DPVS and RSes.
DPVS configs of the above diagram as follows.
## DPVS configs ### config LAN network on dpdk0
./dpip addr add dev dpdk0
# config default route, `src` must be set for tunnel mode
./dpip route add default via src dev dpdk0
# add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR
./ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
# add RS in the same subnet with DPVS, forwarding mode is tunnel
./ipvsadm -a -t -r -i
# add another RS in different subnet with DPVS, forwarding mode is tunnel
./ipvsadm -a -t -r -i
# add VIP and the route will generate automatically
./dpip addr add dev dpdk0
DPVS tunnel requires RS supports ip tunnel. VIP should be configured and arp_ignore should be set on RS.
## for each Real Server ##
rs$ ifconfig tunl0 netmask broadcast up
rs$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.tunl0.arp_ignore=1 # ignore ARP on tunl0
rs$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.tunl0.rp_filter=2 # use loose source validation
You should note that default rp_filter uses strict source validation, but source route for incoming packets on tunl0 is not configured on tunl0. So we change rp_filter behavior of tunl0 to loose source validation mode to avoid packet drop on RSs.
You can test the dpvs tunnel service now.
client$ curl
Hi, I am
client$ curl
Hi, I am
A strict limitation exists for DPVS NAT mode: DPVS NAT mode can only work in single lcore. It is hard for DPVS to support multi-lcore NAT forwarding mode due to the following facts.
DPVS session entries are splited and distributed on lcores by RSS.
NAT forwarding requires both inbound and outbound traffic go through DPVS.
Only dest IP/port is translated in NAT forwarding, source IP/port is not changed.
Very limited maximum rte_flow rules can be set for a NIC.
So, if no other control of the traffic flow, outbound packets may arrive at different lcore from inbound packets. If so, outbound packets would be dropped because session lookup miss. Full-NAT fixes the problem by using Flow Control (rte_flow). However, there are very limited rules can be added for a NIC, i.e. 8K for XT-540. Unlike Full-NAT, NAT does not have local IP/port, so flow rules can only be set on source IP/port, which means only thousands concurrency is supported. Therefore, rte_flow is not feasible for NAT.
Whatever, we give a simple example for NAT mode. Remind it only works single lcore.
## DPVS configs ### config LAN network on bond0, routes will generate automatically
./dpip addr add dev bond0
./dpip addr add dev bond0
# add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR
./ipvsadm -A -t -s -rr
# add two RSs, forwarding mode is NAT
./ipvsadm -A -t -r -m
./ipvsadm -A -t -r -m
# add VIP and the route will generate automatically
./dpip addr add dev bond0
## keepalived.conf ##
static_ipaddress { dev bond0 dev bond0
virtual_server_group vip_nat { 80
virtual_server group vip_nat {
protocol tcp
lb_algo rr
lb_kind NAT
real server 80 {
weight 100
nb_sock_retry 2
connect_timeout 3
connect_port 80
real server 80 {
weight 100
nb_sock_retry 2
connect_timeout 3
connect_port 80
On RSs, back routes should be pointed to DPVS.
## for each real server ##
ip route add via dev eth0
Now you can test DPVS NAT mode.
client$ curl
Hi, I am
client$ curl
Hi, I am
Since v1.7.2, a solution is made for multi-lcore NAT mode forwarding. The principle is to redirect the outbound packets to the correct lcore where its session entry reside through a global redirection table and some lockless rings. Of course, it harms performance to some degree. If you want to use it, turn on the config swtich "ipvs_defs/conn/redirect" in /etc/dpvs.conf.
SNAT mode can be used to let hosts in internal network without WAN IP (e.g., servers in IDC) to have Internet access.
To configure SNAT,
WAN-side IP must be configured with sapool option.
SNAT uses "match" service instead of vip:vport for TCP/UDP,
default route may be needed on DPVS WAN interface.
match supports proto, src-range, dst-range, oif and iif. For example: proto=tcp,src-range=,dst-range=,oif=dpdk1.
The SNAT setting could be:
#!/bin/sh -
WAN_IP= # WAN IP can access Internet.
WAN_PREF=24 # WAN side network prefix length.
GATEWAY= # WAN side gateway
# add WAN-side IP with sapool
./dpip addr add $WAN_IP/$WAN_PREF dev dpdk1 sapool # must add sapool for WAN-side IP# add LAN-side IP as well as LAN route (generated)
./dpip addr add $LAN_IP/$LAN_PREF dev dpdk0
# add default route for WAN interface
./dpip route add default via $GATEWAY dev dpdk1
# SNAT section# -H MATCH SNAT uses -H for "match" service instead of -t or -u# MATCH support "proto", "src-range", "oif" and "iif".# -r <WIP:0> used to specify the WAN IP after SNAT translation,# the "port" part must be 0.# -J for "SNAT" forwarding mode.
./ipvsadm -A -s rr -H $MATCH0
./ipvsadm -a -H $MATCH0 -r $WAN_IP:0 -w 100 -J
./ipvsadm -A -s rr -H $MATCH1
./ipvsadm -a -H $MATCH1 -r $WAN_IP:0 -w 100 -J
You can also use keepalived to configure SNAT instead of using ipvsadm. Every SNAT serivce should has parameter 'match':
If you also want to use keepalived instead of using dpip to configure WAN/LAN IP, you can using 'alpha' and 'omega' to configure keepalived. Healthy check is needed in alpha mode, so you have to make a healthy check. And the result of the healthy check must always be true or RS(LAN IP in fact) will be deleted. You can use MISC_CHECK to make real_server/WAN IP always be healthy:
virtual_server match SNAT {
protocol UDP
delay_loop 3
lb_algo rr
lb_kind SNAT
oif dpdk1
quorum 1
quorum_up "dpip addr add XXX;" ##Here is your cmd, you can also use a script.
quorum_down "dpip addr del XXX;"
real_server 0 {
weight 4
misc_path "exit 0"##Just make a healthy check which will always judge real_server healthy
misc_timeout 10
For hosts in "LAN", the default route should be set to DPVS server's LAN IP.
host$ ip route add default via dev eth0
Then try Internet access from hosts through SNAT DPVS server.
DPVS support IPv6-IPv6 since v1.7 which means VIP/client IP/local IP/rs IP can be IPv6. You can configure IPv6 fullnat just like IPv4:
#!/bin/sh -# add VIP to WAN interface
./dpip addr add 2001::1/128 dev dpdk1
# route for WAN/LAN access# add routes for other network or default route if needed.
./dpip route -6 add 2001::/64 dev dpdk1
# add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.# use ipvsadm --help for more info.
./ipvsadm -A -t [2001::1]:80 -s rr
# add two RS for service, forwarding mode is FNAT (-b)
./ipvsadm -a -t [2001::1]:80 -r 2001::3 -b
./ipvsadm -a -t [2001::1]:80 -r 2001::4 -b
# add at least one Local-IP (LIP) for FNAT on LAN interface
./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z 2001::2 -t [2001::1]:80 -F dpdk0
You can use commands to check what's you have set like IPv4 except route:
$./dpip route -6 show
inet6 2001::1/128 dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 scope host
inet6 2001::2/128 dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 scope host
inet6 2001::/64 dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 scope link
You can configure IPv6 OSPF's configuration like this:
$ cat /etc/quagga/ospf6d.conf # may installed to other path
log file /var/log/quagga/ospf6.log
log stdout
log syslog
password ****enable password ****
interface dpdk1.kni
ipv6 ospf6 network point-to-point
ipv6 ospf6 hello-interval 10
ipv6 ospf6 dead-interval 40
router ospf6
area range 2001::1/64 # announce VIP
area range fec0::172:10:10:11/127 # announce inter-connection network
interface dpdk1.kni area
If you prefer keepalived, you can configure it like this:
$ cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
! Configuration File for keepalived
global_defs {
notification_email {
[email protected]
notification_email_from [email protected]
smtp_connect_timeout 60
router_id DPVS_DEVEL
local_address_group laddr_g1 {
2001::2 dpdk0 # use DPDK interface
# VRRP section
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
state MASTER # master
interface dpdk0.kni # should be kni interface, and IPv4 should be configured for vrrp
dpdk_interface dpdk0 # should be DPDK interface
virtual_router_id 123 # VID should be unique in network
priority 100 # master's priority is bigger than worker
advert_int 1
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass ****
virtual_ipaddress {
# Virtual Server Section
virtual_server_group 2001-1-80 {
2001::1 80
virtual_server group 2001-1-80 {
delay_loop 3
lb_algo rr # scheduling algorithm Round-Robin
lb_kind FNAT # Forwarding Mode Full-NAT
protocol TCP # Protocol TCP
laddr_group_name laddr_g1 # Local IP group-ID
real_server 2001::3 80 { # real-server
weight 100
TCP_CHECK { # health check
nb_sock_retry 2
connect_timeout 3
connect_port 80
real_server 2001::4 80 { # real-server
weight 100
TCP_CHECK { # health check
nb_sock_retry 2
connect_timeout 3
connect_port 80
DPVS supports IPv6-IPv4 for fullnat, which means VIP/client IP can be IPv6 and local IP/rs IP can be IPv4, you can configure it like this:
#!/bin/sh -# add VIP to WAN interface
./dpip addr add 2001::1/128 dev dpdk1
# route for WAN/LAN access# add routes for other network or default route if needed.
./dpip route -6 add 2001::/64 dev dpdk1
./dpip route add dev dpdk0
# add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.# use ipvsadm --help for more info.
./ipvsadm -A -t [2001::1]:80 -s rr
# add two RS for service, forwarding mode is FNAT (-b)
./ipvsadm -a -t [2001::1]:80 -r -b
./ipvsadm -a -t [2001::1]:80 -r -b
# add at least one Local-IP (LIP) for FNAT on LAN interface
./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t [2001::1]:80 -F dpdk0
OSPF can just be configured like IPv6-IPv6. If you prefer keepalived, you can configure it like IPv6-IPv6 except real_server/local_address_group.
IPv6 and Flow Control
We found there exists some NICs do not (fully) support Flow Control of IPv6 required by IPv6.
For example, the rte_flow of 82599 10GE Controller (ixgbe PMD) relies on an old fashion flow type flow director (fdir), which doesn't support IPv6 in its perfect mode, and support only one local IPv4 or IPv6 in its signature mode. DPVS supports the fdir mode config for compatibility.
netif_defs {
mode signature
Another method to avoid not (fully) supported rte_flow problem is to use the redirect forwarding, which forwards the recieved packets to the correct worker lcore where the session resides by using lockless DPDK rings.
If you want to try this method, turn on the redirect switch in the dpvs.conf.
ipvs_defs {
conn {
redirect on
It should note that the redirect forwarding may harm performance to a certain degree. Keep it in off state unless you have no other solutions.
For Bonding device, both DPVS and connected Switch/Router need to set the Bonding interfaces with same Bonding mode. Note that DPVS just supports bonding mode 0 and 4 for now. To enable Bonding device on DPVS, please refer conf/ Each Bonding device needs one or more DPDK Physical devices (dpdk0, ...) to work as its slaves.
To use VLAN device, you can use dpip tool, VLAN device can be created based on real DPDK Physical device (e.g., dpdk0, dpdk1) or Bonding device (e.g., bond0). But cannot create VLAN device on VLAN device.
This is the VLAN example, please check dpip vlan help for more info.
$ dpip vlan add dpdk0.100 link dpdk0 proto 802.1q id 100
$ dpip vlan add link dpdk0 proto 802.1q id 101 # auto generate dev name
$ dpip vlan add link dpdk1 id 102
$ dpip vlan add link bond1 id 103
DPVS support tunnel devices, including IP-in-IP and GRE tunnel. This can be used for example "SNAT-GRE" cluster, remote hosts use tunnel to access Internet through DPVS SNAT cluster.
Setting up tunnel device is just like what we do on Linux, use dpip instead of ip(8).
$ dpip tunnel add mode ipip ipip1 local remote
$ dpip tunnel add gre1 mode gre local remote dev dpdk0
You can also use keepalived to configure tunnel instead of using ipvsadm.
tunnel_group tunnel_gre {
tunnel_entry gre100 {
kind gre
tunnel_entry gre200 {
kind gre
tunnel_entry gre300 {
kind gre
Please also check dpip tunnel help for details.
RSS schedule all packets to same queue/CPU since underlay source IP may the same.
If one lcore's sa_pool gets full, sa_miss happens. This is not a problem for some NICs which support inner RSS for tunnelling.
rte_flow/rss won't works well on tunnel deivce, do not use tunnel for FNAT.
Like DPDK Physical device, the Bonding and VLAN Virtual devices (e.g., bond0 and dpdk0.100) have their own related KNI devices on Linux environment (e.g., bond0.kni, dpdk0.100.kni).
This is the example devices relationship between physical, vlan, bonding and KNI devices.
To configure DPVS (FNAT/DR/Tunnel/SNAT, one-arm/two-arm, keepalived/ospfd) for Virtual device is nothing special. Just "replace" the logical interfaces on sections above (like dpdk0, dpdk1, dpdk1.kni) with corresponding virtual devices.
As we know, TOA is used to get TCP's real Client IP/Port in LVS FNAT mode. We introduce UDP Option of Address or UOA, to let RS being able to retrieve real client IP/Port for the scenario source IP/port are modified by middle boxes (like UDP FNAT).
To achieve this,
The kernel module uoa.ko is needed to be installed on RS, and
the program on RS just need a getsockopt(2) call to get the real client IP/port.
The example C code for RS to fetch Real Client IP can be found here.
Statistics are supported for debug purpose. Note that recvfrom(2) is kept untouched, it will still return the source IP/port in packets, means the IP/port modified or translated by DPVS in UDP FNAT mode.
It's useful to send the data back by socket. Please note UDP socket is connect-less, one socket-fd can be used to communicate with different peers.
Actually, we use private IP option to implement UOA at first, and later we add another implementation with private protocol, please check the details in
Before DPDK build and install ,fix code for ubuntu in vm
$ cd dpdk-stable-17.05.2/
$ sed -i "s/pci_intx_mask_supported(dev)/pci_intx_mask_supported(dev)||true/g" lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/igb_uio/igb_uio.c
Now to set up DPDK hugepage,for more messages ( single-node system) please refer the link.
$ # for single node machine
$ echo 1024 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
Build DPVS on Ubuntu
may need to install dependencies, like openssl, popt and numactl, e.g., apt-get install libpopt-dev libssl-dev libnuma-dev (Ubuntu). Also note that certain CPU flags must be enabled such as SSSE3.
Launch DPVS on Ubuntu
Now, dpvs.conf must be put at /etc/dpvs.conf, just copy it from conf/dpvs.conf.single-nic.sample.
Generally, DPVS is a network process running on physical server which is usually equipped with dozens of CPUs and vast sufficient memory. DPVS is CPU/memory efficient, so the CPU/memory resources on a general physical server are usually far from fully used. Thus we may hope to run multiple independent DPVS instances on a server to make the most out of it. A DPVS instance may use 1~4 NIC ports, depending on if the ports are bonding and the network topology of two-arm or one-arm. Extra NICs are needed if we want to run multiple DPVS instances because one NIC port should be managed only by one DPVS instance. Now let's make insights into the details of multiple DPVS instances.
CPU Isolation
The CPUs used by DPVS are always busy loop. If a CPU is assigned to two DPVS instances simultaneously, then both instances are to suffer from dramatic processing delay. So different instances must run on different CPUs, which is achieved by the procedures below.
Start DPVS with EAL options -l CORELIST or --lcores COREMAP or -c COREMASK to specify on which CPUs the instance is to run.
It's suggested we select the CPUs and NIC ports on the same numa node on numa-aware platform. Performance degrades if the NIC ports and CPUs of a DPVS instance are on different numa nodes.
Memory Isolation
As is known, DPVS takes advantage of hugepage memory. The hugepage memory of different DPVS instances can be isolated by using different memory mapping files. The DPDK EAL option --file-prefix specifies the name prefix of memory mapping file. Thus multiple DPVS instances can run simultaneously by specifying unique name prefixes of hugepage memory with this EAL option.
Process Isolation
DPVS Process Isolation
Every DPVS instance must have an unique PID file, a config file, and an IPC socket file, which are specified by the following DPVS options respectively.
./bin/dpvs -c /etc/dpvs1.conf -p /var/run/ -x /var/run/dpvs1.ipc -- --file-prefix=dpvs1 -a 0000:4b:00.0 -a 0000:4b:00.1 -l 0-8 --main-lcore 0
Keepalived Process Isolation
One DPVS instance corresponds to one keepalived instance, and vice versa. Similarly, different keepalived processes must have unique config files and PID files. Note that depending on the configurations, keepalived for DPVS may consist of 3 daemon processes, i.e, the main process, the health check subprocess, and the vrrp subprocess. The config files and PID files for different keepalived instances can be specified by the following options, respectively.
Talk to different DPVS instances with dpip/ipvsadm
Dpip and ipvsadm are the utility tools used to configure DPVS. By default, they works well on the single DPVS instance server without any extra settings. But on the multiple DPVS instance server, an envrionment variable DPVS_IPC_FILE should be preset as the DPVS's IPC socket file to which ipvsadm/dpip wants to talk. Refer to the the previous part "DPVS Process Isolation" for how to specify different IPC socket files for multiple DPVS instances. For example,
DPVS_IPC_FILE=/var/run/dpvs1.ipc ipvsadm -ln
# or equivalently,export DPVS_IPC_FILE=/var/run/dpvs1.ipc
ipvsadm -ln
NIC Ports, KNI and Routes
The multiple DPVS instances running on a server are independent, that is DPVS adopts the deployment model Running Multiple Independent DPDK Applications, which requires the instances cannot share any NIC ports. We can use the EAL options "-a, --allow" or "-b, --block" to allow/disable the NIC ports for a DPVS instance. However, Linux KNI kernel module only supports one DPVS instance in a specific network namespace (refer to kernel/linux/kni/kni_misc.c). Basically, DPVS provides two solutions to the problem.
Solution 1: Disable KNI on all other DPVS instances except the first one. A global config item kni has been added to DPVS since now.
# dpvs.conf
global_defs {
<init> kni on <default on, on|off>
Solution 2: Run DPVS instances in different network namespaces. It also resolves the route conflicts for multiple KNI network ports of different DPVS instances. A typical procedure to run a DPVS instance in a network namespace is shown below.
Firstly, create a new network namespace, "dpvsns" for example.
/usr/sbin/ip netns add dpvsns
Secondly, move the NIC ports for this DPVS instance to the newly created network namespace.
/usr/sbin/ip link set eth1 netns dpvsns
/usr/sbin/ip link set eth2 netns dpvsns
/usr/sbin/ip link set eth3 netns dpvsns
Lastly, start DPVS and all its related processes (such as keepalived, routing daemon) in the network namespace.
For performance improvement, we can enable multiple kthread mode when multiple DPVS instances are deployed on a server. In this mode, each KNI port is processed by a dedicated kthread rather than a shared kthread.
When DPVS is not working as expected, please consider the following debug solutions, listed with the order from easy to hard.
Enable more logs.
Packet capture analysis.
Source-code debug using gdb or something the like.
We don't want to cover the source-code debug in detail as it's nothing special with debuging any other userspace programs. Just turn on DEBUG flag defined in src/Makefile, recompile DPVS, and gdb it step by step. It's the most basic and effective debug solution despite that it requires some knowledge about DPVS source codes and debug skills.
Firstly, DPVS runs with WARNING log level by default. You can change it in /etc/dpvs.conf and reload DPVS with kill -SIGHUP. DPVS supports 8 log levels listed below.
Use low level log such as "INFO" or "DEBUG" may help find more clues to your problem.
Secondly, some modules support more detailed debug log only if you enable it when compile DPVS. The supported flags are defined but commented in src/, some of which are listed below. Uncomment it and recompile DPVS if you need to debug the corresponding module.
- CONFIG_DPVS_IPVS_DEBUG # for ipvs forwarding debug
- CONFIG_RECORD_BIG_LOOP # for performance tuning
- CONFIG_TIMER_MEASURE # for timer accuracy debug
- CONFIG_TIMER_DEBUG # for dpvs timer debug
- CONFIG_MSG_DEBUG # for dpvs lcore msg and ipc debug
- CONFIG_DPVS_MBUF_DEBUG # for mbuf debug
- CONFIG_DPVS_NEIGH_DEBUG # for neighbor module debug
- CONFIG_NDISC_DEBUG # for ndisc module debug
- CONFIG_DPVS_SAPOOL_DEBUG # for sapool module debug
- CONFIG_SYNPROXY_DEBUG # for syn-proxy debug
- CONFIG_DPVS_MP_DEBUG # for memory pool debug
- ... ...
Note that logs may influence performance a lot. Turn off debug log in production environments is strongly advised.
Since DPVS is driven with DPDK PMD driver and kernel-bypass, tradiontial packet capture tool like tcpdump, wireshark cannot work directly with DPVS. DPVS supports two mechanisms for packet capture: forward-to-kni, and dpdk-pdump.
Note: Both packet capture mechanisms affect performance a lot. Do NOT enable them in production environments!
We make use of the following test case to explain the two packet capture mechanisms.
# cat #!/bin/bash
./bin/dpvs &
sleep 40 # wait for DPVS up
./bin/dpip addr add dev dpdk0 # Host IP address
./bin/dpip addr add dev dpdk0 # VIP
./bin/ipvsadm -A -t -s mh
./bin/ipvsadm -a -t -r -b # FNAT mode
./bin/ipvsadm -Pt -z -F dpdk0 # Local IP address
Check the configurations after running the script successfully.
$ ./bin/dpip addr show -s
inet scope global dpdk0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet scope global dpdk0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet scope global dpdk0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever sa_used 0 sa_free 1032176 sa_miss 0
$ ./bin/dpip route show
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
$ ./bin/ipvsadm -ln
IP Virtual Server version 0.0.0 (size=0)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP mh
-> FullNat 1 0 0
The idea is to copy all inbound and outbound packets (mbufs) on DPDK ports and deliver them to corresponding KNI devices. Then capture packets with tcdpump on KNI devices. The feature can be enabled/disabled by dpip link command.
dpip link set<port> forward2kni on # enable forward2kni on <port>
dpip link set<port> forward2kni off # disable forward2kni on <port>
As with our test case, firstly set up KNI interface and enable its forward2kni.
$ ip link set dpdk0.kni up # just setup dpdk0.kni, do not configure IP
$ ./bin/dpip link set dpdk0 forward2kni on # enable forward2kni on dpdk0
Then capture packets of IPv4 of network using tcpdump on dpdk0.kni.
$ tcpdump -i dpdk0.kni -nn ip and net 192.168.88
Finally, generate ICMP traffic targeted at host IP and HTTP traffic targeted at TCP service from client
[client ~]$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.039/0.039/0.039/0.000 ms
[client ~]$ curl
Check tcpdump output then, it shows that ICMP host ping packets, and the whole HTTP flow are captured by tcpdump working on interface dpdk0.kni. Note that both inbound and outbound packets are captured.
The dpdk-pdump runs as a DPDK secondary process and is capable of enabling packet capture on dpdk ports. DPVS works as the primary process for dpdk-pdump, which should enable the packet capture framework by setting global_defs/pdump to be on in /etc/dpvs.conf when DPVS starts up.
Refer to dpdk-pdump doc for its usage. DPVS extends dpdk-pdump with a DPDK patch to add some packet filtering features. Run dpdk-pdump -- --help to find all supported pdump params.
Well, it's time to demonstrate how to use dpdk-pdump with our test case.
Firstly, run DPVS with pdump set to be on in /etc/dpvs.conf.
Then, start dpdk-pdump process on DPVS server. We run dpdk-pdump twice to filter out ICMP packets and TCP packets and saved them into files icmp.pcap and tcp.pcap, respectively.
$ dpdk-pdump -- --pdump 'port=0,queue=*,proto=icmp,rx-dev=/tmp/icmp.pcap,tx-dev=/tmp/icmp.pcap'
EAL: Detected 20 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 2 NUMA nodes
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket_20402_295556cb3dae020
EAL: Probing VFIO support...
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL: probe driver: 8086:1528 net_ixgbe
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.1 on NUMA socket 0
EAL: probe driver: 8086:1528 net_ixgbe
EAL: PCI device 0000:84:00.0 on NUMA socket 1
EAL: probe driver: 8086:1528 net_ixgbe
EAL: PCI device 0000:84:00.1 on NUMA socket 1
EAL: probe driver: 8086:1528 net_ixgbe
Port 1 MAC: 02 70 63 61 70 00
Signal 2 received, preparing to exit...
-packets dequeued: 2
-packets transmitted to vdev: 2
-packets freed: 0
$ dpdk-pdump -- --pdump 'port=0,queue=*,proto=tcp,rx-dev=/tmp/tcp.pcap,tx-dev=/tmp/tcp.pcap'
EAL: Detected 20 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 2 NUMA nodes
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket_20821_2955576eb96ab61
EAL: Probing VFIO support...
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL: probe driver: 8086:1528 net_ixgbe
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.1 on NUMA socket 0
EAL: probe driver: 8086:1528 net_ixgbe
EAL: PCI device 0000:84:00.0 on NUMA socket 1
EAL: probe driver: 8086:1528 net_ixgbe
EAL: PCI device 0000:84:00.1 on NUMA socket 1
EAL: probe driver: 8086:1528 net_ixgbe
Port 1 MAC: 02 70 63 61 70 01
Signal 2 received, preparing to exit...
-packets dequeued: 20
-packets transmitted to vdev: 20
-packets freed: 0
In the meanwhile, generate ICMP traffic targeted at host IP and HTTP traffic targeted at TCP service from client
$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.097 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.097/0.097/0.097/0.000 ms
$ curl
Finally, we can check the pcap files of captured packets with tcpdump or wireshark.