- San Francisco
Brother Zhuang
Flappy Bird Controller with GUI in MATLAB
Neural Machine Translation with Transformer on Multi30K
A gesture recognition HCI system based on OpenCV.
Open-source implementation of Google Vizier for hyper parameters tuning
Assignments for Berkeley CS 285: Deep Reinforcement Learning (Fall 2021)
Autonomous driving on Turtlebot3 with bird's-eye-view and ArUco pose estimation.
Autonomous Navigation and Lane Following with TurtleBot3
Waste Sorting with Robot Arm Tossing
Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning framework in PyTorch. Companion library of the book "Foundations of Deep Reinforcement Learning".
Webots simulation environment and a vision-based autonomous docking algorithm for robotic vessels with a novel latching system.
Height Control and Optimal Torque Planning for Jumping with Wheeled-Bipedal Robots
Pratice and example to solve the pose graph SLAM problem using GTSAM
A gym environment for a miniature racecar using the pybullet physics engine.
Official implementation of the paper: MonoRec: Semi-Supervised Dense Reconstruction in Dynamic Environments from a Single Moving Camera (CVPR 2021)
Dynamic Object Removing SLAM using MonoRec
Bayesian Optimization for MPPI Control of Robot Arm Planar Pushing
Deep RL for MPC control of Quadruped Robot Locomotion