Jack of all trades, master of some. #Clojure #superkoodari @NitorCreations @ClojureFinland LudumDare ClojureBridgeFI @railsgirls @Raisa ex-@HSLdevcom
- Finland
- markku.rontu.net
Games I've created. Typically small and unfinished for a game jam.
9 repositories
Night By Day, Ludum Dare #25 game programming competition entry by @zorcam
Final Journey, a minimalist game for Ludum Dare #26
nGinTonic (ngt) is a Entity-Component-System game engine.
ngt-base is repository with a basic working nGinTonic game
The .one. is a game for Ludum Dare 28 game programming competition by Markku Rontu.
Parallax scrolling engine for adventure games made with ClojureScript
Gray runner is a side-scrolling runner game like Canabalt made with ClojureScript
Asteroids clone for the browser made with ClojureScript