Angular Projects
📄 A curated list of awesome Angular resources
Exemplary real world application built with Angular
Spotify client built with Angular 15, Nx Workspace, ngrx, TailwindCSS and ng-zorro
Angular, NgRx, Angular CLI & Angular Material Starter Project
💥 Progressive Hacker News client built with Angular
Angular 19 Fullstack Application: SSR, PWA, SEO, and Scalable Node.js Typescript & Javascript Backend with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Navigate to Previous Page, route in Angular
angular client that uses JWT for authentication and Bamfstore for handling data
keycloak + Angular + Spring thymeleaf + Spring Micro Service
100+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Whatsapp, Youtube etc. See source code, demo links, tech stack, github stars.
Whitehat Gaming assessment made with Angular 10
Frontend Assesment realized with Angular 10, RxJs, Angular Material for Accela
Products CRUD made with Angular, Typescript, RxJs, Angular CLI and NgRx Store for state manegement.
Simple counter implemented with RxJS, NgRx, NGXS, Akita
The main concept of Gentleman State Manager, is providing an useful way to manage the state of your application, using understandable and cristal clear tools like Rxjs to do so.
Angular 11 - NestJS - Docker - authentification - jwt - refresh token - rôles
Exemplary real world application built with Angular