- Voile, the Magic Library
FOSS architecture definitions of FPGA hardware useful for doing PnR device generation.
Debug and parallel trace hardware for CORTEX-M (FPGA + support code)
Generates Makefiles to synthesize, place, and route verilog using Vivado
Package manager and build abstraction tool for FPGA/ASIC development
Master Thesis "ZynqNet: An FPGA-Accelerated Embedded Convolutional Neural Network"
《FPGA应用开发和仿真》(机械工业出版社2018年第1版 ISBN:9787111582786)的源码。Source Code of the book FPGA Application Development and Simulation(CHS).
Amaranth HDL framework for monitoring, hacking, and developing USB devices
Collaborative project to create an advanced GPU, with additional features to flesh-out the peripherals for a home-made, DIY computer.
open-source IEEE 802.11 WiFi baseband FPGA (chip) design: driver, software
利用C++实现针对SystemVerilog的高性能在线编译系统,可将SystemVerilog源代码进行高鲁棒性的词法解析和常见语法分析和部分语义分析,生成可靠Abstract Syntax Tree,并提供Parser解析过程信息、报错信息和变量表,该在线编译系统通过webbenchh压力测试可以实现近万的QPS
AXI SystemVerilog synthesizable IP modules and verification infrastructure for high-performance on-chip communication