Link Arkitektur (Ex Henning Larsen)
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/mathias-s%C3%B8nderskov-schaltz-374b0232/
HoneyBeeLadybug and alike
🐞 Core ladybug library for weather data analysis and visualization
Material related to the 'Machine Learned Design Spaces' webinar over at TGIC
🪲 Ladybug is an environmental plugin for Grasshopper.
Grasshopper files for conducting daylight simulations in Rhino with Ladybug Tools. Working files for the www.nlited.eu program, module 5.1
🐝 A python library to create, run and visualize radiance studies. Core library of Honeybee[+].
🐞 🦏 A library for translating between Ladybug Tools core libraries and Rhino CAD
OpenFOAM Foundation patch version of OpenFOAM-2.2
A wxPython GUI for the Radiance falsecolor2 tool
A library for creating Navigation Graphs, Visibility graphs, Raycasting used in design analysis, architecture, robotics, and human factors.