- Pro
A curated list of awesome neuroscience libraries, software and any content related to the domain.
BrainFlow is a library intended to obtain, parse and analyze EEG, EMG, ECG and other kinds of data from biosensors
Deep and online learning with spiking neural networks in Python
A curated collection of resources and research related to the geometry of representations in the brain, deep networks, and beyond
Deep learning software to decode EEG, ECG or MEG signals
A list of schools and researchers in computational neuroscience
A publicly-editable collection of open computational neuroscience resources
Slides, paper notes, class notes, blog posts, and research on ML 📉, statistics 📊, and AI 🤖.
[CVPR 2024 Highlight] Official PyTorch implementation of "MindBridge: A Cross-Subject Brain Decoding Framework"
Cross-subject classification of cognitive loads using a recurrent-residual deep network
Application of Fully Connected Neural Networks (FCNs) & Graphical Convolutional Neural Networks (GCNs) using pytorch to fmri movie data
This is the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) EEGModels Project: A Collection of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models for EEG signal classification, using Keras and Tensorflow
Machine learning for multivariate data through the Riemannian geometry of positive definite matrices in Python
Low Cost Electroencephalogram Based Brain-Computer-Interface
End-to-End Multi-Task Learning for Subject-Independent Motor Imagery EEG Classification (IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering)
A MATLAB package for modelling multivariate stimulus-response data
Matlab source code of the paper "D. Wu, X. Jiang, R. Peng, W. Kong, J. Huang and Z. Zeng, Transfer Learning for Motor Imagery Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Complete Pipeline, Information Scien…
Must-read papers on machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning and other learning methods for brain-computer interfaces.
Deep Learning pipeline for motor-imagery classification.
A driver, parser and real time brainwave plotter for NeuroSky MindWave EEG headset
Neural networks for EEG-MEG decoding with MNE-python and Tensorflow.
Universal Joint Feature Extraction for P300 EEG Classification Using Multi-Task Autoencoder (IEEE Access)
Official code for "Attention-Based Spatio-Temporal-Spectral Feature Learning for Subject-Specific EEG Classification" paper
Implementation of filter bank common spatial pattern (FBCSP) for MI-based BCI in python
EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
Create real-time BCI's with the LSL, PyTorch, SKLearn and TensorFlow packages.
Eye movement and blink-related EEG and MEG artifact correction algorithms
Documentation for Reproducing & Using the Open ExG Headphones
Data manipulation and transformation for signal processing, powered by PyTorch