A toolkit to control all running instances of AutoHotkey(V2.0+).
Snippet management tools, if ahK python bat ...code, can be executed directly
Official AutoHotkey script compiler - written itself in AutoHotkey
AHK v1 -> v2 script converter
My collection of autohotkey scripts. Some scripts are written by me, some are modified by me, some are completely created by others.
This is a collection of currently around 3600 Autohotkey libraries, classes with examples.
只需一步操作,用户即可随心批量更换/恢复快捷方式图标 ( With just one step, users can change or restore the icons of shortcuts in batches as they wish )
Alguimist's 'Easy AutoGUI' GUI-Designer-Builder modified for Autohotkey v2.0, using mmikeww's AHKv2 converter
Useful Autohotkey v2 Libraries and Classes, forked from https://github.com/thqby/ahk2_lib to add readme and examples
Snippet management tools, if ahk python bat ...code, can be executed directly
A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
Automation Utility - Recorder & Script Generator
Searchable interactive texts to copy & paste text, run scripts, using easily exchangeable bundles
这是最适合中文与新人用户的AHK IDE 由于原版早已不更新了 故多年来在原版基础上做了非常多的改进 目的只有一个 让大家用得更顺手
Enhanced MsgBox / InputBox class for collecting user input.