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Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products.
StarredNov 16, 2023 -
GitHub API
The GitHub API allows you to build applications that integrate with GitHub.
StarredNov 16, 2023 -
C++ is a general purpose and object-oriented programming language.
StarredNov 16, 2023 -
The terminal is an interface in which you can type and execute text-based commands.
StarredOct 10, 2022 -
A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.
StarredOct 10, 2022 -
A library is a collection of resources, often created to make programming a task simpler.
StarredOct 10, 2022 -
Git is the most widely used version control system.
StarredOct 10, 2022 -
SQL is a standard language for storing, retrieving and manipulating data in databases.
StarredJan 6, 2022 -
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation.
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
Storybook is a UI development environment for your UI components.
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
Serverless architecture refers to apps that depend on third-party services or custom code.
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebooks are documents that contain live code, visualizations, and narrative text.
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware static site generator.
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
Go is a programming language built to resemble a simplified version of the C programming language.
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
Deep learning
Deep Learning is an artificial neural network composed of many layers.
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
A database is a structured set of data held in a computer, usually a server.
StarredDec 8, 2020 -
Cybersecurity is the protection of computer hardware, software, and data from theft, damage, and malicious intent.
StarredNov 19, 2020 -
Java is an object-oriented programming language used mainly for web, desktop, embedded devices and mobile applications.
StarredNov 19, 2020 -
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
StarredNov 19, 2020 -
scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning.
StarredMay 27, 2020 -
Progressive Web Apps are traditional web sites that are enhanced with native like features.
StarredMay 27, 2020 -
The Julia Language
Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for numerical computing.
StarredMay 27, 2020 -
Rust is a systems programming language created by Mozilla.
StarredNov 11, 2019 -
A NoSQL database refers to a database whose storage format is modeled differently from relational databases.
StarredNov 11, 2019 -
Machine learning
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
StarredNov 11, 2019 -
Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for multiplatform applications.
StarredNov 11, 2019 -
Electron is a framework for building cross-platform desktop applications with web technology.
StarredNov 11, 2019 -
Data structures
Data structures are a way of organizing and storing data.
StarredNov 11, 2019 -
Data visualization
Data visualization is the graphic representation of data and trends.
StarredNov 11, 2019