Unreal Engine 5 multiplayer shooter C++ project, resurrection of Warhammer 40K: Eternal Crusade. Developed using "UE best practices" from Lyra for a more complex behaviour
Scalable MMO servers instantiation, dungeon instantiation and player balancing subsystem for unreal engine
HL2-style, classic FPS movement for Unreal Engine implemented in C++
A solution for PhysX Pawns with Prediction and Reconciliation in Unreal Engine 4.
This is an Unreal Engine 4/5 plugin to generate procedural dungeon.
KawaiiPhysics : Simple fake Physics for UnrealEngine4 & 5
Unreal Engine Example projects. Includes UE4 and UE5 examples.
Quarter Life is a first-person adventure game
Unreal Engine plugin that enables user to accurately trace melee hits in the game using interpolation between sockets defined directly on the character or weapon mesh.
SignalR client for Unreal Engine
Project Template to use on TDD and CI with Unreal Engine 4.
A plugin for Unreal Engine 4 with a custom navigation system suitable for spiders
An intermediate api to handle steam microtransactions using steam web services. Ready to use with Unity, Unreal, Godot and so on
Unreal Engine 5 plugin component for rendering runtime generated content.
PCGEx is a free (libre) Unreal 5 plugin that expands PCG capabilities. It offers a variety of high-performance nodes; with an edge for building relational graphs (Freeform, Delaunay, Voronoi, MST e…
[Deprecated, see LearningUnreal instead.] A bunch of notes and code snippets that I write while figuring out how to use the Unreal Engine.
A categorized collection of awesome opensource Unreal Engine 4 and 5 repos