Kotlin Multiplatform
HTTP client generator / KSP plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform (Android, iOS, Js, Jvm, Native, WasmJs)) using KSP and Ktor clients inspired by Retrofit https://foso.github.io/Ktorfit
Extendable MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform with powerful debugging tools (logging and time travel)
The most essential libraries for Kotlin Multiplatform development
Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
KotlinX multiplatform date/time library
Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries. Welcome PR if you find or create new Kotlin Multiplatform Library.
Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library that adds basic support for Unicode code points
Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
Kotlin Swift Interopedia
SQLDelight - Generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQL
State of popular libraries/APIs in Android apps and their KMP support state