A custom theme for JavaFX following Windows 11's designs
JavaFx/JNI library designed exclusively for Windows (Tested on Windows 11). It enhances your Java applications by allowing advanced manipulation of the Stage's title bar and custom decorations.
FlatLaf - Swing Look and Feel (with Darcula/IntelliJ themes support)
Unicode winapi access from java with project panama
A minimal borderless window with the Windows API
A WPF C# project for creating windows using the Fluent Design System and Windows 11 design principles
Utility classes for advanced Theme development for JavaFX (Java)
A JavaFX UI framework to create fully customized undecorated windows
Modern JavaFX CSS theme collection with additional controls.
A JavaFX/Java to Objective C bridge library to natively use the Windows background blur effect on MacOS
A collection of JavaFX controls and utilities.
Custom decorated JFrame with default windows standard behavior
Homemade Mica material, only use Direct2D technology.
A library for creating and editing graph-like diagrams in JavaFX.
Techsenger JediTermFX - Terminal Emulator for JavaFX
JavaFX Graphics module as an Ant-based NetBeans project
Demonstrates OpenTK WPF integration via OpenTK.GLControl
A tutorial project featuring a build script (Mac, Windows) for JavaFX applications based on the new jpackage tool.
A metaprogramming-based (reflection and instrumentation) library to generate UML class and sequence diagrams from Java code.
A small example of how SkiaSharp can be used with multiple threads to draw items in a list.
C++ examples for the Vulkan graphics API
A really quick skeleton project to get started with AtlantaFX and Maven