- shanghai
(UTC -12:00)
A collection of resources on modern C++
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
📚 Modern C++ Tutorial: C++11/14/17/20 On the Fly | https://changkun.de/modern-cpp/
C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Framework
brpc is an Industrial-grade RPC framework using C++ Language, which is often used in high performance system such as Search, Storage, Machine learning, Advertisement, Recommendation etc. "brpc" mea…
Code samples for C++ Concurrency in Action
A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features.
A collection of resources on wait-free and lock-free programming
C++11/14/17/20 multithreading, involving operating system principles and concurrent programming technology.
中文的C++ Template的教学指南。与知名书籍C++ Templates不同,该系列教程将C++ Templates作为一门图灵完备的语言来讲授,以求帮助读者对Meta-Programming融会贯通。(正在施工中)
2021年最新整理, C++ 学习资料,含C++ 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 / 23 新特性、入门教程、推荐书籍、优质文章、学习笔记、教学视频等
《Effective Modern C++》- 完成翻译
A General-purpose Task-parallel Programming System using Modern C++
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems.
High performance server-side application framework
An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
Benchmarks of approximate nearest neighbor libraries in Python
FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second : used by Facebook/Meta Velox, the Node.js runtime, ClickHouse, WatermelonDB, Apache Doris, Milvus, StarRocks
header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++14