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Progressive Web Apps are traditional web sites that are enhanced with native like features.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Markdown is a lightweight markup language.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Linux is an open source kernel.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Machine learning
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Deep learning
Deep Learning is an artificial neural network composed of many layers.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Bash is a shell and command language interpreter for the GNU operating system.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services provides on-demand cloud computing platforms on a subscription basis.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Arduino is an open source platform for building electronic devices.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Angular is an open source web application platform.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Android is an operating system built by Google designed for mobile devices.
StarredFeb 6, 2023 -
Go is a programming language built to resemble a simplified version of the C programming language.
StarredAug 2, 2019