Online Business
QR code generating library with HTML/PNG/mPDF output possibilities
A cross platform HTML5 QR code reader.
The best web based QR Code reader on the web
barcode.php - Generate barcodes from a single PHP file. MIT license.
FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF.
The classic email sending library for PHP
FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP. F from FPDF stands for Free: you may use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs.
Php library to retrieve statements of your bank accounts using FinTS/Hbci.
PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML
PHP library to convert HTML to formatted plain text
a easy solution for simple IMAP email access in php
A simple PHP WebAuthn (FIDO2/Passkey) server library
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
A comprehensible PHP library to write Factur-X/ZUGFeRD XML files