- you can know that
- Pro
SmartTube - an advanced player for set-top boxes and tvs running Android OS
Renewing No-IP hosts by browser automation
NCU Course Finder - A rescue from the place where Nobody Care U.
58 licenses for Surveillance Station 9
A web app to generate valid QR codes with readable images.
Thumbnail generator for Synology Disk/Photo Station.
use cnn recognize captcha by tensorflow. 本项目针对字符型图片验证码,使用tensorflow实现卷积神经网络,进行验证码识别。
Solves reCAPTCHA v2 using TensorFlow and Selenium
🌟 A small, feature-rich, and robust Cloudflare DDNS updater
GeoPort: Your Location, Anywhere! The iOS location simulator
這是 Will 保哥在 2013 第 6 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽年度大獎的得獎著作【30 天精通 Git 版本控管】,歡迎大家 fork 我,如果有看見任何文字勘誤,也歡迎利用 pull request 來通知我修正,謝謝!