- Linux or Mac are preferred. For windows, install MinGW-w64 for using commands below to set enviroment.
- Anaconda or miniconda installed.
- python=3.11, torch=2.3, etc. (installation steps below)
- GPU is essential - NVIDIA (cuda) or M2 (mps).
Step 1: create virtual environment:
conda update conda
conda create -n automorph python=3.11 -y
Step 2: Activate virtual environment and clone the code.
conda activate automorph
git clone https://github.com/rmaphoh/AutoMorph.git
cd AutoMorph
Step 3: install pytorch 2.3
check CUDA version with nvcc --version
For CUDA cuda_12.1.r12.1/compiler.32688072_0 run install
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
Step 4: install other packages:
pip install --ignore-installed certifi
pip install -r requirement.txt
Put the images in folder 'images' and
sh run.sh
Please note that resolution_information.csv includes the resolution for image, i.e., size for each pixel. Please prepare it for the customised data in the same format.