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D'oH! harddns

harddns was one of the first DoH implementations for Linux at a time when only one big search company offered a public dns-json API endpoint in 2016 and there have not been any RFCs about it. It began as a Name Service Switch (NSS) module. Since then it has evolved and currently features:

  • NSS module for Linux
  • non-NSS, standalone proxy daemon, if desired
  • Linux, BSD and OSX support
  • RFC8484 and RFC8427 support
  • caching of successful resolves
  • TCP Fast Open when OS supports it
  • TLS 1.3 ready to benefit from faster handshakes (0-RTT)
  • Enterprise ready: can handle internal and external domains differently
  • small footprint and least privilege design
  • batteries included: comes with a config that works with all major DoH providers

As always, if you like the project, please give it a github star. Github stars are valuable for developers' CV's and reputation in open source communities.



The build requires openssl libraries to be installed. Then just

harddns $ make

to create the NSS module and proxy. Since usability of DoH benefits a lot from low latency, you should consider using TLS 1.3 along with TCP Fast Open for a quicker TLS handshake. harddns already enables TCP Fast Open by itself as long as you have Linux kernel >= 4.11 and enabled it in /proc:

harddns $ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fastopen
harddns $

where 1 means that it is enabled on client side, which is the default. The Makefile is alredy set up to be used with custom OpenSSL installs, as most vendors most likely do not ship OpenSSL 1.1.1 yet, which is the minimum version required to use TLS 1.3. harddns may be used without all that fine tuning, however you could cut latency in half if you do.


The build requires the GNU toolchain and openssl libraries installed. You then need to change the ssl library path to match your install inside src/Makefile.

harddns $ make


On BSD systems you need gmake (gnu-make) installed.

harddns $ gmake -C src

This will give you the harddnsd daemon for installation.


The install script will overwrite any existing previous harddns config and comes with quite some public DoH servers pre-configured.

As root, do:

harddns # make install
perl ./
[*] Installing config to /etc/harddns/harddns.conf
[*] Installing lib to /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[*] Installing proxy daemon to /usr/local/bin/harddnsd

Success so far. To enable DoH resolving system-wide, add
either harddns to your /etc/nsswitch.conf file in the 'hosts' line:

hosts:          files harddns [NOTFOUND=return] dns [...]

If you are using AppArmor or SELinux, you need to review/adjust your
profiles/policies (check README). Then restart nscd to take effect.

If you do not want or cannot use the NSS approach, you may ignore
above hints. Then you may just start /usr/local/bin/harddnsd
and change your resolver config to point to "".
Then change your system startup scripts to start harddnsd automatically
at boot.

And follow the instructions for the nsswitch.conf modification or the proxy-daemon startup at your choice. The recommended usage is via the harddnsd daemon.

If you have any (legacy) pinned certificates inside /etc/harddns/pinned, you should remove them. harddns is now using the CA bundle of your system. It's strongly discouraged to use pinned certificates, as DoH endpoint certificates change often.

Only place PEM files inside the pinned subdir if you know what you are doing.

If you really need pinned certifcates:

$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

will give you the required certificates.

You may put any number of pinned certificates to the pinned subdir. The filename has to end with .pem. At least one of the certificates inside this directory has to match during the TLS connect, otherwise the resolve will fail.

Restart nscd, if it was running, and you are done. All gethostbyname(), getaddrinfo() etc. calls will now be handled by harddns. You can also watch it in action by viewing the system log files, if log_requests has been specified. If you have IPv6 connectivity and use the NSS module, you should enable nss_aaaa in /etc/harddns/harddns.conf in order to lookup AAAA records too.

If your OS does not support NSS, just start

harddns # /usr/local/bin/harddnsd

harddns -- DoH proxy server v0.53 (C) 2019 Sebastian Krahmer

Starting up DoH proxy at change with [-l addr] [-p port]
switching to user 'nobody' (change with [-u user])

harddns #

and add in your /etc/resolv.conf, or for OSX use:

harddns # networksetup -setdnsservers "Ethernet"
harddns # cat /etc/resolv.conf


Note that harddnsd is marked as first DNS resolver, but you still keep the one that you used before, as harddnsd proxy is currently just resolving A and AAAA records. Some programs, such as FreeBSD's pkg however make strange requests to find update servers, which harddnsd can't handle. So the second entry is the fallback for these cases. Support for non-A/AAAA requests may be added later. If you run systemd-resolv or dnsmasq on you may use as binding address for harddnsd and use it in /etc/resolv.conf accordingly, so you do not need to remove your existing configs if you just want to test it.

You have to create your own startup scripts if you want to start harddnsd at boot.

Make sure that your firewalling rules allow DNS traffic on loopback and outgoing https traffic to the dedicated DoH servers.

On some BSD systems, such as NetBSD, you need to install the openssl root CA's by hand, before harddnsd can be started:

bsd # pkgin install mozilla-rootcerts
bsd # mozilla-rootcerts install


If your system is using confinement/MAC, make sure you add apropriate rules for the confined programs to allow reading of /etc/harddns/harddns.conf.

For example, /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.nscd should contain a line like

/etc/harddns/harddns.conf r,

in your AppArmor config.

Enterprise setups

It may happen that you want to have DoH for most of your lookups, but need to excempt certain domains from DoH and need to contact a normal DNS server instead. This may be configured as follows:

internal_domain = company.lan,
internal_domain = partner.lan,

Rather than contacting public DoH servers for the domains company.lan and partner.lan, this would proxy the DNS requests as is to and respectively. All other domain lookups are still directed to the DoH servers as configured. This requires that you start harddnsd (rather than using the NSS module) and bind it to an IP address different from localhost, because it needs to forward the DNS answers as coming back on the LAN interface.

PTR lookups

When harddnsd is started with the -P switch, it creates synthetic PTR records for each successful resolved A and AAAA record. This allows to avoid non-DoH PTR lookups i.e. for ping sessions that try to resovle seen IPs back to domain names.

Safety considerations

You should run harddnsd either on the loopback interface or bind it to an address via -l that is part of the private IP space and does not belong to the globally routable IP space. harddnsd tries to detect this and warn you, if you avoid this recommendation. If you ignore this warning its not the end of the world but in this case everybody could abuse you as a recursive resolver and resolve arbitrary stuff masked as you.


Harddns is using the official DNS-over-HTTPS API provided by Google, Cloudlflare and Quad9 servers. The Cloudflare DNS servers are listed in the config first, because they use TLS 1.3 and TCP Fast Open and have good latency.

The content of the pinned certificate can be viewed via

$ openssl x509 -text < /etc/harddns/pinned/dns1.pem

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