A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things.
Check out INSTALL for full instructions on getting started.
- download the zip and unzip, or git clone
- cd node-red
- npm install
- node red.js
- Open http://localhost:1880
The Node-RED editor runs in the browser. We routinely develop and test using Chrome and Firefox. We have anecdotal evidence that it works in IE9.
We do not yet support mobile browsers, although that is high on our priority list.
Please raise any bug reports or feature requests on the project's issue tracker. Be sure to search the list to see if your issue has already been raised.
The plugin nature of Node-RED means anyone can create a new node to extend its capabilities. Eventually, the nodes will be npm-installable, but we're not there yet.
In order for us to accept pull-requests, the contributor must first complete a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). This clarifies the intellectual property license granted with any contribution. It is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of IBM and its customers; it does not change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose.
We'll add some information on how to do this in the next few days.
Node-RED is a creation of the IBM Emerging Technology Services team.
- Nick O'Leary @knolleary
- Dave Conway-Jones @ceejay
Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. under the Apache 2.0 license.