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Californium (Cf) - Proxy 2

CoAP RFC 7252 specifies in 5.7 Proxying also a proxy functionality. That contains

A lot of specification, so start with the more common http and http proxies to get into it.

Basics: HTTP Proxy

A http request is processed by opening a TCP connection to the destination host-service and sending a line containing the request.

wget http://destination:8000/http-target

That opens a TCP connection to destination:8000 and sends the http-request:

GET /http-target HTTP/1.1

If a http proxy is used, that TCP connection is opened to the proxy-service instead of the destination-service. The request is then sent to the proxy, that should process the request on its behalf. But the destination seems to be lost. Therefore, if the http-client sends a request to a proxy, the client adds the destination as well to the request line itself.

Http-request sent via proxy:

GET http://destination:8000/http-target HTTP/1.1

That does the trick. It requires the http-client to know, that a proxy is used. For browsers there is usually a configuration page, where the usage of a proxy can be configured. Http-client libraries offers usually also a possibility to configure that, e.g.

HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("proxy-host", 8080, "http");
HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setProxy(proxy).build();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet("http://destination:8000/http-target");
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);

Some may now ask themselves, where URLs as


are then used? That is not for a simple forwarding proxy, that is used for special reverse-proxies.

CoAP Proxy

The same principles are used for coap-proxies.

If the coap-request is sent directly to a coap destination-service, the destination may not be included in the uri-host and uri-port options of that request 5.10.1 URI options. If included, these options contains the values for this coap destination-service.


CON, MID:5446, GET, TKN:08 2c 09 b6 8c 37 6b aa, /coap-target

If the request is sent to a proxy, the uri-host and/or uri-port must contain the coap destination-service, not the destination the coap-request is sent to:

Coap-request via proxy:

CON, MID:18236, GET, TKN:80 e3 48 28 96 6a 8e 18, coap://destination/coap-target

Using Californium, that works with:

AddressEndpointContext proxy = new AddressEndpointContext(new InetSocketAddress("proxy-host", PROXY_PORT));

(Please set the DestinationContext before the URI, as documented in the javadocs of Request.)

CoAP Cross Proxy

If a proxy should only process coap-request on its behalf, then all would be as easy and simple as above, no real difference to http.

If a coap-request should be translated into a http-request and vice versa, the processing may get a tick more complicated. The first question, which comes in mind, is, how should a coap-proxy know, that the coap-request it received, should be translated into http and then send to a http-server? The answer is the same as with the destination service; that information is added to the request. CoAP offers for that a special 5.10.2 Proxy-Scheme option.

Coap2http-request via proxy using proxy-scheme:

CON, MID:4119, GET, TKN:d0 c0 81 bf af 8e 96 bf, coap://destination:8000/http-target, coap.opt.proxy_scheme: http
AddressEndpointContext proxy = new AddressEndpointContext(new InetSocketAddress("proxy-host", PROXY_PORT));

According RFC7252, 6. CoAP URIs doesn't offer all a http URI offers. If these http extras are required, CoAP offers a 5.10.2 Proxy-Uri option.

Coap2http-request via proxy using a proxy-uri:

CON, MID:4121, GET, TKN:24 60 3f d0 3b 12 ef d0, coap.opt.proxy_uri: http://user@destination:8000/http-target

It is intended to use either the proxy-uri or the other options uri-host, uri-port, uri-path, uri-query, and proxy-scheme.

AddressEndpointContext proxy = new AddressEndpointContext(new InetSocketAddress("proxy-host", PROXY_PORT));

Http2CoAP Cross Proxy

Sometimes a http proxy is intended to send coap-requests. Basically that may just be done using a coap-url:

Http2coap-request sent via proxy:

GET coap://destination:5683/coap-target

Unfortunately, too many http-libraries doesn't support other schemes as http/https. Therefore Guidelines for Mapping Implementations: http2coap describes several other variants instead.

Californium's proxy2 offers two mappings from that specification:

Http-requests without http-proxy enabled on http-client

(no destination host at the begin in the URL):

GET /proxy/coap://destination:5683/coap-target HTTP/1.1
GET /proxy?target_uri=coap://destination:5683/coap-target HTTP/1.1

Note: normalizing the http-path may replace the "coap://" by "coap:/", therefore "/proxy/coap:/destination:5683/coap-target" is valid as well.

Additionally a variant using the http-proxy enabled on the client-side and the destination scheme at the end of the path is also supported

(destination host at the begin in the URL).

GET http://destination:5683/coap-target/coap:

Implementing a CoAP Proxy using Californium Proxy2

Above it is described, that a proxy request contains just some more information about the destination service. But how is that processed with Californium?

Each message is received by a specific Connector implementation, e.g. for coaps by a DTLSConnector. The coap-specific encoding and processing is then applied by a CoapEndpoint. The outcome is a Request, which is delivered by a ServerMessageDeliverer to the CoapServer's CoapResource.

Implementing a Forwarding Proxy

For a forwarding proxy that CoapResource is not defined by the included destination path, it's defined by the destination-scheme, so either the proxy-scheme or proxy-uri. The Proxy2 library therefore comes with a ForwardProxyMessageDeliverer, which does exactly that.

To translate the incoming request in an outgoing request, the Proxy2 library comes with two resources

Implementing coap2http Forwarding Cross Proxy

To execute http-request, the californium proxy uses the httpclient5 of org.apache.httpcomponents, currently in version 5.1.

A coap2http forward proxy could be implemented by

  • initialize the HttpClientFactory.setNetworkConfig(config).
  • create a CoapServer and add the intended CoapEndpoints to it.
  • create a ProxyHttpClientResource.
  • create a ForwardProxyMessageDeliverer providing the created ProxyHttpClientResource.
  • replace the MessageDeliverer of the CoapServer by the ForwardProxyMessageDeliverer.
  • start the CoapServer.

That's it. See the BasicForwardingProxy2.

Implementing coap2coap Forwarding proxy

That's pretty much the same as for the coap2http-proxy. Instead of initializing the HttpClientFactory create a ClientSingleEndpoint and use that for a ProxyCoapClientResource instead of a ProxyHttpClientResource.

Implementing a Reverse Proxy

Reverse proxies may come with very specific implementations. Simple ones use just a fixed outgoing request for a incoming one. For such simple reverse proxy, the proxy2 library offers a ProxyCoapResource.createReverseProxy function.

To create a simple reverse proxy,

  • initialize the HttpClientFactory.setNetworkConfig(config), or
  • create a ClientSingleEndpoint, depending on the intended outgoing protocol. Or both, if both should be supported.
  • create a CoapServer and add the intended CoapEndpoints to it.
  • create a ProxyHttpClientResource.
  • create a reverse-proxy resources using ProxyCoapResource.createReverseProxy.
  • add that resource to the CoapServer.
  • start the CoapServer.

That's it. See the BasicReverseProxy2.

Implementing a specialized Reverse Proxy

Reverse proxies may vary a lot. Some reverse proxies may just implement their own CoapResource other may use some parts of the library. To better understand, which function may be used, see That's it. See the e.g. ProxyCoapClientResource.handleRequest()

  1. InetSocketAddress exposedInterface = translator.getExposedInterface(incomingRequest); identify the exposed interface this request is received. Assuming virtualization, Containers, and clusters, the exposed interface may be only available, if it's external configured. If it's not possible to determine it, just return null.
  2. URI destination = translator.getDestinationURI(incomingRequest, exposedInterface); get the destination. For the simple reverse proxies, this method is overridden and returns the fixed destination.

3 Request outgoingRequest = translator.getRequest(destination, incomingRequest); create the outgoing request.

If the general processing in ProxyCoapClientResource works also for the special case, the simplest way would be to use a special Coap2CoapTranslator or Coap2HttpTranslator, which overrides the functions to adapt them.

Implementing a Http Forwarding Cross Proxy

Naturally this requires a http-server, which is aware of proxy requests. The californium proxy2 comes with ProxyHttpServer implementation based on org.apache.httpcomponents. Currently the httpcore5 in version 5.1.1 is used.

The ProxyHttpServer uses a HttpServer and the HttpStack, which adds the required http-request-handlers to it. These http-request-handler are using a Http2CoapTranslator to translate the http-requests into coap-requests, which is then processed by the californium coap-stack using a coap2coap proxy.

The implementation supports:

Basic http-request without proxy enabled on the http-client:

GET /proxy/coap://destination/coap-target
GET /proxy/coap:/destination/coap-target
GET /proxy?traget_uri=coap://destination/coap-target

http-request with proxy enabled on the http-client:

GET http://destination:5683/coap-target/coap:

Implementing http2coap Forwarding Cross Proxy

A simple http2coap forward proxy could be implemented by

  • initialize a ClientSingleEndpoint. That will be used for outgoing coap-requests.
  • create a ProxyHttpServer. That is used for incoming http-request and translation of them into incoming coap-requests.
  • create a ProxyCoapClientResource using the ClientSingleEndpoint. That is used to process the incoming coap-requests into outgoing coap-requests (coap2coap proxy functionality).
  • create a ForwardProxyMessageDeliverer providing the created ProxyCoapClientResource.
  • set the ForwardProxyMessageDeliverer as ProxyCoapDeliverer to the ProxyHttpServer.
  • start the ProxyHttpServer.

See the BasicHttpForwardingProxy2.

Implementing a CoAP server with co-located proxy-server

Until here the things should have been not too complicated. But that starts with mixed servers, when the coap-server and the proxy-server are co-located. The difficulty, especially with reverse-proxies, is the ambiguity in interpreting the requests. If resources are either selected by the uri-path or by the destination scheme, then it may result in unintended processing. The specification assumes, that a server is able to know it's exposed address in order to determine, if the request is sent to the coap-server or the co-located proxy-server. But with the server-side virtualisation and containers, that may get very hard. The proxy2 library offers some function for such mixed servers, but if such a mixed server works proper, is the responsibility of that mixed server.

  • ForwardProxyMessageDeliverer offers also a constructor with a root-Resource and a CoapUriTranslator translator. The root-Resource is required to select a Resource using the uri-path, and the translator could be customized to select the request to be forwarded.

  • ForwardProxyMessageDeliverer offers a set of exposed service addresses in order to configure them instead of detect them.

Note: if you use a co-located proxy-server, providing the destination in the URI as IP-literal is not recommended, though this results in not including a URI-host option. Please use a DNS name in the URI, or ensure by explicitly setting the URI-host option, that it is included. (Using the DNS name for the proxy destination is not relevant, it's just the address used in the URI.)

AddressEndpointContext proxy = new AddressEndpointContext(new InetSocketAddress("", PROXY_PORT));
// not recommended! literal IP, same as proxy
AddressEndpointContext proxy = new AddressEndpointContext(new InetSocketAddress("", PROXY_PORT));
// recommended!