COMP1021 MCS: Linear algebra
See the concept diagram
Things in pink we will look at today (and next time)
- From the practicals last week?
- From
Remember: a set of vectors is a basis for the vector space if it spans the whole space and is linearly independent
Thm For a vector space
$V$ the representation of any$\mathbf{v} \in V$ as a linear combination of a given basis$S = \lbrace \mathbf{s}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{s}_n \rbrace$ is unique -
Proof (sketch). Suppose not. Then subtract the two representations. This violates one of the properties of a basis. So we have a contradiction.
- This is kind of obvious for the canonical basis for
$\Bbb{R}^n$ $$\lbrace \mathbf{e}_i: i \leq 1 \leq n \rbrace$$ - Where
$\mathbf{e}_i$ is the vector with a 1 in the ith position and 0 elsewhere - In 3D sometimes referred to as
$\mathbf{e}_x,\mathbf{e}_y,\mathbf{e}_z$ or$\mathbf{i},\mathbf{j},\mathbf{k}$
Defn If we have a function
- This means that a linear map respects linear combinations
- Linear maps are sometimes called linear transformations or vector space homomorphisms
- If
$V=W$ then$f$ is an endomorphism - All linear maps preserve lines
- Scaling (on
$\Bbb{R}^3$ ) - Reflection
- Rotation
- Shearing
- Projection
- Embedding
- Differentiation (on polynomials)
Every vector
So a linear map is characterised by its action on basis vectors
For example, rotation by 90 degrees anti-clockwise in
- Q: What are the images of the canonical basis vectors
$\mathbf{e}_1 (1,0)$ and$\mathbf{e}_2 (0,1)$ ? - A:
$(0,1)$ and$(-1,0)$ or$\mathbf{e}_2$ and$-1\mathbf{e}_1$ - Turn these into column vectors to get the matrix representation
Choose one of the linear map examples
Write down the images of the basis vectors in either
What happens when we rotate the vector
Write basis vector images columns under f as a matrix
The image of the vector
$$ f ( \sum_{j=1}^n x_j \mathbf{e}j) = (\sum{j=1}^n x_j f(\mathbf{e}_j))$$
So the ith component of the image of
What are the dimensions of the domain and codomain?
What is the matrix representation of the identity map?
All basis vectors map to themselves via the identity matrix
- Suppose we have two linear maps
$f$ and$g$ represented by matrices$A$ and$B$ - What is the matrix for
$(f \circ g)(\mathbf{v}) = f(g(\mathbf{v}))$ ? - Need to find images of basis vectors
$B$ columns contains images of basis vectors under$g$ - So apply
$A$ to columns of$B$ in turn and write as columns - This gives the matrix of the map
$f \circ g$ which we write$AB$
Given matrices
The elements
This also formalises our definition of multiplying a matrix by a vector
Check your answer example 2.3 from MML book
- 3B1B Chapter 3: Linear transformations and matrices
- 3B1B Chapter 4: Matrix multiplication as composition
- MML book section 2.2
Next time: Determinants and inverses
Practicals: Span, independence, basis, linear maps, matrices