IRSA Manager allows you to easily set up IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) on non-EKS Kubernetes clusters.
IRSA (IAM Roles for Service Accounts) allows Kubernetes service accounts to assume AWS IAM roles. This is particularly useful for providing Kubernetes workloads with the necessary AWS permissions in a secure manner.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
- A running Kubernetes cluster (non-EKS).
- Helm installed on your local machine.
- AWS user credentials with appropriate permissions.
- The permissions should allow irsa-manager to call the necessary AWS APIs. You can find all the APIs that irsa-manager calls in the internal/aws/aws.go interfaces.
Follow these steps to set up IRSA on your non-EKS cluster:
- install helm
Add the irsa-manager Helm repository and install irsa-manager:
helm repo add kkb0318
helm repo update
helm install irsa-manager kkb0318/irsa-manager -n irsa-manager-system --create-namespace
You may encounter an error during the deployment. Proceed with the following steps and create the "aws-secret" secret to eliminate the error.
- Set AWS Secret for IRSA Manager
Create a secret for irsa-manager to access AWS:
kubectl create secret generic aws-secret -n irsa-manager-system \
--from-literal=aws-access-key-id=<your-access-key-id> \
--from-literal=aws-secret-access-key=<your-secret-access-key> \
--from-literal=aws-region=<your-region> \
--from-literal=aws-role-arn=<your-role-arn> # Optional: Set this if you want to switch roles
- Create an IRSASetup Custom Resource
Define and apply an IRSASetup custom resource according to your needs.
kind: IRSASetup
name: irsa-init
namespace: irsa-manager-system
cleanup: false
mode: selfhosted
region: <region>
bucketName: <S3 bucket name>
Check the IRSASetup custom resource status to verify whether it is set to true.
Please ensure that only one IRSASetup resource is created.
- Modify kube-apiserver Settings
If the IRSASetup status is true, a key file (Name: irsa-manager-key
, Namespace: kube-system
) will be created. This is used for signing tokens in the kubernetes API.
Execute the following commands on the control plane server to save the public and private keys locally for Kubernetes signatures:
kubectl get secret -n kube-system irsa-manager-key -o jsonpath="{.data.ssh-privatekey}" | base64 --decode | sudo tee /path/to/file.key > /dev/null
kubectl get secret -n kube-system irsa-manager-key -o jsonpath="{.data.ssh-publickey}" | base64 --decode | sudo tee /path/to/ > /dev/null
Path: /path/to/file
can be any path you choose.
If you use kubeadm, it is recommended to set /etc/kubernetes/pki/irsa-manager.(key|pub)
Then, modify the kube-apiserver settings to include the following parameters:
- API Audiences
- Service Account Issuer
--service-account-issuer=https://s3-<region><S3 bucket name>
- Service Account Key File
The public key generated previously can be read by the API server. Add the path for this parameter flag:
Add this setting as the first element. If specified multiple times, tokens signed by any of the specified keys are considered valid by the Kubernetes API server. If you do not mount /path/to directory, you need to add the volumes field to this path.
- Service Account Signing Key File
The private key (oidc-issuer.key) generated previously can be read by the API server. Add the path for this parameter flag:
Overwrite the existing settings. If you do not mount /path/to directory, you need to add the volumes field to this path.
For more details, refer to the Kubernetes documentation.
You can set IRSA for the Kubernetes ServiceAccount.
The following example shows that irsa-manager sets the irsa1-sa
ServiceAccount in the kube-system and default namespaces with the AmazonS3FullAccess policy:
kind: IRSA
name: irsa-sample
namespace: irsa-manager-system
cleanup: true
name: irsa1-sa
- kube-system
- default
name: irsa1-role
- AmazonS3FullAccess
For more details, please see the API Reference.
To verify the above example and ensure the IRSA works correctly, you can check the following job. There is a Kubernetes job that will put one file into the S3 bucket, confirming that the Pod can assume the role to get S3 write permission:
cd validation
You can find the reference in the Reference file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
In creating this OSS project, I referred to several sources and would like to express my gratitude for their valuable information and insights.
The necessity of this project was realized through discussions in the following issue:
Additionally, the implementation was guided by the following repositories: