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🧰 contracts

Deployed sample NFT contract can be viewed on


  1. Have access to the public (public wallet address) and private key to your Ethereum account.
  2. Have an alchemy account set-up (the free one works!)
  3. Have an etherscan account.



yarn add hardhat


yarn add dotenv


yarn add @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers@^5.0.0


yarn add @openzeppelin/contracts

Alchemy Web3

yarn add @alch/alchemy-web3

Hardhat-etherscan (to verify your contract)

yarn add @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan

Steps to Deploy

  1. Make a copy of .sample-env and fill it out

    cp .sample-env .env

    You should fill out at least the following fields: RINKEBY_API_URL, ETHERSCAN_API_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY.

    The CONTRACT_ADDRESS field will be filled out after you deploy your smart contract!

  2. Make any modifications the smart contract in ./contract and deploy script in ./script/deploy.js

  3. Compile the contract

    npx hardhat compile
  4. Edit the deploy script.

    Modify scripts/deploy.js to include the specific deploy arguments that you want your ERC721 contract to be deployed with.

  5. Deploy the contract

    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

You should see a confirmation in your terminal like this:

Compiling 1 file with 0.8.0
Compilation finished successfully
Contract deployed to address: 0x...

Check out your newly deployed contract on etherscan.[DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS]

You should update your .env's CONTRACT_ADDRESS to be your newly deployed contract address.

If you changed the name of your NFT contract, make sure you update the paths in your scripts contracts/scripts.

Verify Your Contract

Verifying your contract is important for building trust. For transparency to your users, you should always verify your smart contracts so users can easily inspect the contracts they are interacting with.

Run the following command with your DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, the network where it's deployed, and the constructor arguments that were used to deploy it.

npx hardhat verify --network mainnet DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Constructor argument 1"

Read this tutorial for more info.

Set Base URI

If you want to make a change to the initial base uri you set on deploy, you can update it.

Update the uri variable in scripts/setBaseURI.js to your new base uri and run the script.

node scripts/setBaseURI.js

Set Merkle Root

Edit whitelist/giftlist.json and whitelist/whitelist.json to include the addresses you want to be each respective 'whitelist'. To set your whitelists, run the following scripts.

node scripts/setWhitelistMerkleRoot.js
node scripts/setGiftMerkleRoot.js


Are you ready to build the front-end? Head over to web.