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Todo Application for Stratospheric

The purpose of this todo application is to serve as an example for the various use cases covered by the book.

Getting Started


Running the Application on Your Local Machine

  • Make sure you have Docker up- and running (docker info) and Docker Compose installed (docker-compose -v)
  • Start the required infrastructure with docker-compose up
  • Run ./gradlew bootRun to start the application
  • Access http://localhost:8080 in your browser

You can now log in with the following users: duke, tom, bjoern, philip. They all have the same password stratospheric.

Application Profiles

  • dev running the application locally for development. You don't need any AWS account or running AWS services for this. All infrastructure components are started from within the compose.yaml in the application directory.
  • aws running the application inside AWS. This requires the whole infrastructure setup inside your AWS account.

Running the Tests

Run ./gradlew build from the command line.


You can deploy the application by using the standard Spring Boot deployment mechanism (see these three articles for more information on Spring Boot deployment techniques and alternatives: Deploying Spring Boot Applications, Running your application, Installing Spring Boot applications):



Class structure

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Database schema

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Built with

  • Spring Boot and the following starters: Spring Web MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Cloud AWS, Spring WebFlux, Spring WebSocket, Thymeleaf, Spring Mail, Spring Validation, Spring Security, Actuator, OAuth2 Client
  • Gradle


Apache License 2.0
