Unity-vectorfield is vector field generator on mesh and a set of its operators. It allows you to quick implementation of differential geometry algorithms on Unity3d, then instantly applying to game programming, media art creation, or physical simulation. This library is heavily Inspired by Keenan Crane's Lectures at CMU and Polyscope and referencing a lot from them.
This library contains features below:
- Halfedge structure (as very core and standalone module)
- Curvature culclation (Gausian / Mean / Principal / Normal)
- Vector field generator by solving Poisson equation on mesh
- Hodge decomposition for a given tangent field
- Basis finder for Hamonic component
- Basis finder for Homology group
- Trivial connection generator
- Ribbon drawer on a given vector field
For installation, put the following address to UnitPackageManager.
To check the samples under Assets/Samples, just clone this repo and run.