1.14.0 (2024-12-06)
- release-please: +target-group input addition to release_please (5034c5a)
- release-please: option to define target-branch for release creation (#61) (456cd72)
- release-please: option to define target-branch for release creation (#66) (7982c9a)
- release-please: release_please job condition statement (16102e2)
- release-please: release-please job condition removed (244df71)
- release-please: release-please job condition update (df7ea12)
1.13.1 (2024-11-22)
1.13.0 (2024-11-21)
- PX-1850: Composing and Sending test coverage report to Pulse (#53) (9a50a18)
- PX-1850: finalized (8b5d383)
- PX-1850: fis (675190c)
- PX-1850: fix (44e030d)
- PX-1850: fix (7c47f5c)
- PX-1850: fix (3ee2f30)
- PX-1850: fix (58f159b)
- PX-1850: fix (4b14a73)
- PX-1850: fix (10e347e)
- PX-1850: fix (a2b0dd6)
- PX-1850: fix (d5e8481)
- PX-1850: fix (ef42ce4)
- PX-1850: fix (e024ebf)
- PX-1850: fix (bba6f0f)
- PX-1850: fix (8806540)
- PX-1850: fix (b2e0537)
- PX-1850: fix (3140022)
- PX-1850: fix (e01f2f9)
- PX-1850: fix (4f52ae4)
- PX-1850: fixed type (7a6c5a6)
- PX-1850: small fix (1cd24a4)
- PX-1850: test coverage report input from caller (b844c48)
- PX-1850: updated readme (dd8a820)
- PX-1850: updated readme (702f030)
- PX-1850: updated readme (eb60b19)
- PX-1850: updated readme for nodejs-ci.yml (f695871)
- PX-1850: updated variable names and container image (18a6869)
- PX-1850: used input instead of variable for Pulse URL (9380cb3)
- PX-1850: using secrest and variables (9b92434)
1.12.2 (2024-10-04)
- lock-file: fixed the convert lockfile step (36e7eb8)
- lock-file: fixed the convert lockfile step (#54) (78a84eb)
1.12.1 (2024-09-02)
- release-please: tagging validation step, hotfix tag name slice: error basename: missing operand (#51) (f759e36)
- release-please: tagging validation variable name SLICED_HOTFIX_TAG_NAME (cbbdc3c)
- release-please: tagging validation variable name SLICED_HOTFIX_TAG_NAME (86a4651)
- release-please: tagging validation variable name SLICED_HOTFIX_TAG_NAME (121a9bc)
1.12.0 (2024-08-20)
- NodeJS-CI: custom script to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (#49) (fe99c86)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: custom scrpit to generate report and coverage threshold for dev tests (0caf176)
- NodeJS-CI: updated node-20-buster-slim image version (ee55371)
1.11.1 (2024-07-31)
- NodeJs-CI: NPM_TOKEN now takes inputs from GitHub secrets (4ff9854)
1.11.0 (2024-07-15)
- this repo release-please relesse (75715da)
1.10.3 (2024-07-15)
- IaC scan: deplicate input directories removed (2e9c0e9)
- PX-1602: Pulse SAST branch env arg value ref (#45) (808127b)
1.10.2 (2024-06-27)
- iac-scan: vulnerability report step getting skipped on vuln. findings in container scan step is now fixed (#41) (b7bce21)
1.10.1 (2024-06-24)
- all workflows: Job ID and job name are matched to facilitate automation in GitHub checks mandate config (#38) (ab85afa)
1.10.0 (2024-06-24)
- Depn. scan, SAST custom exit error message (d74a5b6)
- iac scan: terraform fmt run on all dir and commits the change to source branch in PR (#37) (9183b94)
- release-please: Security practice,setting vuln context as ENV (5d9a4b1)
- unit-test: added unit test config (#25) (614bd81)
- All the workflow jobs permission revisited and set to minimum (#36) (397b352)
- release-please: HotFix branch name can follow hotfix/ticket/tag (ba435b3)
- security-scan: custom error message on Dep. scan,SAST (2799a7a)
1.9.0 (2024-06-15)
- release-please: Tag naming automated for HotFix release & regular realase post HF release (#34) (0d76393)
1.8.1 (2024-06-14)
- dependency scan: report to display suppressed vulnerabilities when there are no vulnerabilities (#30) (3481816)
- osv suppression: config.toml file created at runtime, config file from Dockerfile is deprecated and has issue (#32) (684bd9c)
1.8.0 (2024-06-14)
- Dependency scan: Suppressed vulnerabilities are listed in the report (5012c45)
- Dependency scan: Suppressed vulnerabilities are listed in the report (4ca41a4)
- security scan: OSV suppressions are added to Dependency scan report (#28) (6e65e29)
- dependency scan: step condition (87198e1)
- download-artifact: deprecated action updownload-artifact@v2 updated to ->4 (669b0ef)
- upload-artifact: deprecated action upload-artifact updated to ->4 (58c0a10)
1.7.0 (2024-06-06)
- container scan: step to setup Docker Buildx (8694b03)
1.6.3 (2024-06-06)
- container scan: report formatting (cdfd7e5)
1.6.2 (2024-06-05)
1.6.1 (2024-05-24)
- license scan: license addition: MIT-0 (97151af)
- releasing as v1.6.1 (6460790)
1.6.0 (2024-05-23)
- Mobile-scans: Added mobile scan and centralised security scans workflow configuration (#17) (82cf1e5)
- License scans: updated the list of allowed licenses default values (#19) (51814e1)
- setting release verison to 1.6.0 (#20) (10c1fa5)
1.5.0 (2024-05-16)
1.4.0 (2024-05-15)
1.3.0 (2024-05-08)
- php-ci: new workflow addition (0a4f553)
1.2.0 (2024-05-08)
- container-scan: add report only if it is PR (44894dd)
- nodejs ci, and Pulse analytics made reusable workflow (#10) (95c43c6)
1.1.1 (2024-05-08)
1.1.0 (2024-05-08)
- auto-release: release-please added (69e2359)
- iac-scan: CheckOV IaC scan workflow addition (#1) (a33ec19)
- pr agent: Codium PR agent workflow added (#3) (2e9ec5e)
- release-please: feature added newly (50c717c)
- pr-agent: Bot event filter from trigger (b04e0fe)