The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster.
A script that you can run in the background!
Whoami provides enhanced privacy, anonymity for Debian and Arch based linux distributions
Transparent proxy through Tor for Kali Linux OS
Ransomwares Collection. Don't Run Them on Your Device.
Osint tool based on for checking usernames on more than 100 websites, forums and social networks.
instax is an tool to perform brute force attack against Instagram,( by dhasirar under GNU LICENSE. WARNING! This tool was made for educational purposes! https://w…
"Socialx" is a Social Engineering And Remote Access Trojan Tool. You can generate fud backdoor and you can embed any file you want inside of the exe file.
Advance Method To Hack Mobile Or Pc Front (Selfie) Camera With A Link.
😈✨ URLSp00f is an URL Spoofing/Shortening T00L (Helpful in Social-3ngineering Att4cks)
different from gushmazuko with ruby installation