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feat: add rollbar (decentraland#363)
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* feat: add rollbar

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nachomazzara authored Jul 15, 2021
1 parent f28e2f2 commit a5aedc2
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Showing 7 changed files with 35 additions and 4 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions webapp/.ci/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ REACT_APP_SUPER_RARE_API_URL=

# Partner's Marketplace Adapter
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions webapp/.ci/.env.prd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,3 +26,4 @@ REACT_APP_CONVERTER_EXCHANGE=kyber_network
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions webapp/.ci/.env.stg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ REACT_APP_SUPER_RARE_API_URL=

# Partner's Marketplace Adapter
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions webapp/src/index.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import TranslationProvider from 'decentraland-dapps/dist/providers/TranslationPr

import './setup'
import './modules/analytics/track'
import "./modules/analytics/rollbar"

import * as locales from './modules/translation/locales'
import { initStore, history } from './modules/store'
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions webapp/src/lib/environment.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
export const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions webapp/src/modules/analytics/rollbar.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/* eslint-disable */

import { isDevelopment } from '../../lib/environment'

let _rollbarConfig = {
accessToken: process.env.REACT_APP_ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN || '',
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: true,
payload: {
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV
checkIgnore: function () {
if (window.location.hostname === 'localhost' || isDevelopment) {
// Ignore development
return true

// no other ignores
return false

// prettier-ignore
// @ts-ignore
// tslint:disable-next-line
!function (r) { function e(n) { if (o[n]) return o[n].exports; var t = o[n] = { exports: {}, id: n, loaded: !1 }; return r[n].call(t.exports, t, t.exports, e), t.loaded = !0, t.exports } var o = {}; return e.m = r, e.c = o, e.p = "", e(0) }([function (r, e, o) { "use strict"; var n = o(1), t = o(4); _rollbarConfig = _rollbarConfig || {}, _rollbarConfig.rollbarJsUrl = _rollbarConfig.rollbarJsUrl || "", _rollbarConfig.async = void 0 === _rollbarConfig.async || _rollbarConfig.async; var a = n.setupShim(window, _rollbarConfig), l = t(_rollbarConfig); window.rollbar = n.Rollbar, a.loadFull(window, document, !_rollbarConfig.async, _rollbarConfig, l) }, function (r, e, o) { "use strict"; function n(r) { return function () { try { return r.apply(this, arguments) } catch (r) { try { console.error("[Rollbar]: Internal error", r) } catch (r) { } } } } function t(r, e) { this.options = r, this._rollbarOldOnError = null; var o = s++; this.shimId = function () { return o }, "undefined" != typeof window && window._rollbarShims && (window._rollbarShims[o] = { handler: e, messages: [] }) } function a(r, e) { if (r) { var o = e.globalAlias || "Rollbar"; if ("object" == typeof r[o]) return r[o]; r._rollbarShims = {}, r._rollbarWrappedError = null; var t = new p(e); return n(function () { e.captureUncaught && (t._rollbarOldOnError = r.onerror, i.captureUncaughtExceptions(r, t, !0), i.wrapGlobals(r, t, !0)), e.captureUnhandledRejections && i.captureUnhandledRejections(r, t, !0); var n = e.autoInstrument; return e.enabled !== !1 && (void 0 === n || n === !0 || "object" == typeof n && && r.addEventListener && (r.addEventListener("load", t.captureLoad.bind(t)), r.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", t.captureDomContentLoaded.bind(t))), r[o] = t, t })() } } function l(r) { return n(function () { var e = this, o =, 0), n = { shim: e, method: r, args: o, ts: new Date }; window._rollbarShims[this.shimId()].messages.push(n) }) } var i = o(2), s = 0, d = o(3), c = function (r, e) { return new t(r, e) }, p = d.bind(null, c); t.prototype.loadFull = function (r, e, o, t, a) { var l = function () { var e; if (void 0 === r._rollbarDidLoad) { e = new Error("rollbar.js did not load"); for (var o, n, t, l, i = 0; o = r._rollbarShims[i++];)for (o = o.messages || []; n = o.shift();)for (t = n.args || [], i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)if (l = t[i], "function" == typeof l) { l(e); break } } "function" == typeof a && a(e) }, i = !1, s = e.createElement("script"), d = e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], c = d.parentNode; s.crossOrigin = "", s.src = t.rollbarJsUrl, o || (s.async = !0), s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = n(function () { if (!(i || this.readyState && "loaded" !== this.readyState && "complete" !== this.readyState)) { s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = null; try { c.removeChild(s) } catch (r) { } i = !0, l() } }), c.insertBefore(s, d) }, t.prototype.wrap = function (r, e, o) { try { var n; if (n = "function" == typeof e ? e : function () { return e || {} }, "function" != typeof r) return r; if (r._isWrap) return r; if (!r._rollbar_wrapped && (r._rollbar_wrapped = function () { o && "function" == typeof o && o.apply(this, arguments); try { return r.apply(this, arguments) } catch (o) { var e = o; throw e && ("string" == typeof e && (e = new String(e)), e._rollbarContext = n() || {}, e._rollbarContext._wrappedSource = r.toString(), window._rollbarWrappedError = e), e } }, r._rollbar_wrapped._isWrap = !0, r.hasOwnProperty)) for (var t in r) r.hasOwnProperty(t) && (r._rollbar_wrapped[t] = r[t]); return r._rollbar_wrapped } catch (e) { return r } }; for (var u = "log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,handleUncaughtException,handleUnhandledRejection,captureEvent,captureDomContentLoaded,captureLoad".split(","), f = 0; f < u.length; ++f)t.prototype[u[f]] = l(u[f]); r.exports = { setupShim: a, Rollbar: p } }, function (r, e) { "use strict"; function o(r, e, o) { if (r) { var t; "function" == typeof e._rollbarOldOnError ? t = e._rollbarOldOnError : r.onerror && !r.onerror.belongsToShim && (t = r.onerror, e._rollbarOldOnError = t); var a = function () { var o =, 0); n(r, e, t, o) }; a.belongsToShim = o, r.onerror = a } } function n(r, e, o, n) { r._rollbarWrappedError && (n[4] || (n[4] = r._rollbarWrappedError), n[5] || (n[5] = r._rollbarWrappedError._rollbarContext), r._rollbarWrappedError = null), e.handleUncaughtException.apply(e, n), o && o.apply(r, n) } function t(r, e, o) { if (r) { "function" == typeof r._rollbarURH && r._rollbarURH.belongsToShim && r.removeEventListener("unhandledrejection", r._rollbarURH); var n = function (r) { var o, n, t; try { o = r.reason } catch (r) { o = void 0 } try { n = r.promise } catch (r) { n = "[unhandledrejection] error getting `promise` from event" } try { t = r.detail, !o && t && (o = t.reason, n = t.promise) } catch (r) { t = "[unhandledrejection] error getting `detail` from event" } o || (o = "[unhandledrejection] error getting `reason` from event"), e && e.handleUnhandledRejection && e.handleUnhandledRejection(o, n) }; n.belongsToShim = o, r._rollbarURH = n, r.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", n) } } function a(r, e, o) { if (r) { var n, t, a = "EventTarget,Window,Node,ApplicationCache,AudioTrackList,ChannelMergerNode,CryptoOperation,EventSource,FileReader,HTMLUnknownElement,IDBDatabase,IDBRequest,IDBTransaction,KeyOperation,MediaController,MessagePort,ModalWindow,Notification,SVGElementInstance,Screen,TextTrack,TextTrackCue,TextTrackList,WebSocket,WebSocketWorker,Worker,XMLHttpRequest,XMLHttpRequestEventTarget,XMLHttpRequestUpload".split(","); for (n = 0; n < a.length; ++n)t = a[n], r[t] && r[t].prototype && l(e, r[t].prototype, o) } } function l(r, e, o) { if (e.hasOwnProperty && e.hasOwnProperty("addEventListener")) { for (var n = e.addEventListener; n._rollbarOldAdd && n.belongsToShim;)n = n._rollbarOldAdd; var t = function (e, o, t) {, e, r.wrap(o), t) }; t._rollbarOldAdd = n, t.belongsToShim = o, e.addEventListener = t; for (var a = e.removeEventListener; a._rollbarOldRemove && a.belongsToShim;)a = a._rollbarOldRemove; var l = function (r, e, o) {, r, e && e._rollbar_wrapped || e, o) }; l._rollbarOldRemove = a, l.belongsToShim = o, e.removeEventListener = l } } r.exports = { captureUncaughtExceptions: o, captureUnhandledRejections: t, wrapGlobals: a } }, function (r, e) { "use strict"; function o(r, e) { this.impl = r(e, this), this.options = e, n(o.prototype) } function n(r) { for (var e = function (r) { return function () { var e =, 0); if (this.impl[r]) return this.impl[r].apply(this.impl, e) } }, o = "log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,handleUncaughtException,handleUnhandledRejection,_createItem,wrap,loadFull,shimId,captureEvent,captureDomContentLoaded,captureLoad".split(","), n = 0; n < o.length; n++)r[o[n]] = e(o[n]) } o.prototype._swapAndProcessMessages = function (r, e) { this.impl = r(this.options); for (var o, n, t; o = e.shift();)n = o.method, t = o.args, this[n] && "function" == typeof this[n] && ("captureDomContentLoaded" === n || "captureLoad" === n ? this[n].apply(this, [t[0], o.ts]) : this[n].apply(this, t)); return this }, r.exports = o }, function (r, e) { "use strict"; r.exports = function (r) { return function (e) { if (!e && !window._rollbarInitialized) { r = r || {}; for (var o, n, t = r.globalAlias || "Rollbar", a = window.rollbar, l = function (r) { return new a(r) }, i = 0; o = window._rollbarShims[i++];)n || (n = o.handler), o.handler._swapAndProcessMessages(l, o.messages); window[t] = n, window._rollbarInitialized = !0 } } } }])
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions webapp/src/modules/store.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ import { createRootReducer, RootState } from './reducer'
import { rootSaga } from './sagas'
import { fetchTilesRequest } from './tile/actions'
import { ARCHIVE_BID, UNARCHIVE_BID } from './bid/actions'
import { isDevelopment } from '../lib/environment'

export const history = require('history').createBrowserHistory()

export function initStore() {
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
const anyWindow = window as any

const composeEnhancers =
isDevelopment && anyWindow.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__
stateSanitizer: (state: RootState) => {
const { tile, proximity, ...sanitized } = { ...state }
Expand All @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ export function initStore() {
const sagasMiddleware = createSagasMiddleware()
const loggerMiddleware = createLogger({
collapsed: () => true,
predicate: (_: any, action) => isDev || action.type.includes('Failure')
predicate: (_: any, action) => isDevelopment || action.type.includes('Failure')
const transactionMiddleware = createTransactionMiddleware()
const { storageMiddleware, loadStorageMiddleware } = createStorageMiddleware({
Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export function initStore() {

if (isDev) {
if (isDevelopment) {
const _window = window as any
_window.getState = store.getState
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