Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc
p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Proces…
Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js
Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
Mailchimp Open Commerce is an API-first, headless commerce platform built using Node.js, React, GraphQL. Deployed via Docker and Kubernetes.
The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts ✨
Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web
The Backbone Framework
Open source rich text editor based on HTML5 and the progressive-enhancement approach. Uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing unmaintainabl…
Sketch app plugin for generating dummy data such as avatars, names, photos, geo data etc
Packaged version of Ace code editor
Mercury Editor: The Rails WYSIWYG editor that allows embedding full page editing capabilities directly inline.
Create animated mockups in the browser 🔥
Collectible 8-bit characters on the Ethereum blockchain.
GAN Lab: An Interactive, Visual Experimentation Tool for Generative Adversarial Networks
Local Library website written in NodeJS/Express; example for the MDN server-side development NodeJS module:
JavaScript caching framework for client side caching in the browser using localStorage - gracefully degrades when the browser doesn't support localStorage.
p5.sound brings the Processing approach to Web Audio and p5.js. Demos:
A TextMate Bundle for CoffeeScript
store and restore your model's state
jQuery Ajax transport plugin that supports file uploads through a hidden iframe
Fwitter is an example application that demonstrates the features and functionality of Fauna.