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Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
Lsyncd (Live Syncing Daemon) synchronizes local directories with remote targets
NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more...
Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.9+.
Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot
A Neovim (lua) plugin for working with a markdown zettelkasten / wiki and mixing it with a journal, based on telescope.nvim
Lua plugin to turn github copilot into a cmp source
🗺️ A legend for your keymaps, commands, and autocmds, integrates with which-key.nvim, lazy.nvim, and more.
Fluent navigation and management of markdown notebooks
My config/dotfiles for tmux, nvim, i3, bla bla bla, nerd things.
🤖 Neovim plugin intended as a client for copliot.lua, with a specific use-case
primeideals / LazyVim
Forked from LazyVim/LazyVimNeovim config for the lazy
primeideals / iron.nvim
Forked from Vigemus/iron.nvimInteractive Repl Over Neovim