The code generator base on GORM, aims to be developer friendly.
- CRUD or DIY query method code generation
- Auto migration from database to code
- Transactions, Nested Transactions, Save Point, RollbackTo to Saved Point
- Competely compatible with GORM
- Developer Friendly
To install Gen package, you need to install Go and set your Go workspace first.
1.The first need Go installed(version 1.14+ is required), then you can use the below Go command to install Gen.
go get -u
2.Import it in your code:
import ""
# assume the following code in generate.go file
$ cat generate.go
package main
import ""
// generate code
func main() {
// specify the output directory (default: "./query")
g := gen.NewGenerator(gen.Config{OutPath: "../dal/query"})
// reuse the database connection in Project or create a connection here
// if you want to use GenerateModel/GenerateModelAs, UseDB is necessray or it will panic
// db, _ := gorm.Open(mysql.Open("root:@("))
// apply basic crud api on structs or table models which is specified by table name with function
// GenerateModel/GenerateModelAs. And generator will generate table models' code when calling Excute.
g.ApplyBasic(model.User{}, g.GenerateModel("company"), g.GenerateModelAs("people", "Person", gen.FieldIgnore("address")))
// apply diy interfaces on structs or table models
g.ApplyInterface(func(method model.Method) {}, model.User{}, g.GenerateModel("company"))
// execute the action of code generation
Here is a template for best practices:
├── cmd
│ └── generate
│ └── generate.go # execute it will generate codes
├── dal
│ ├── dal.go # create connections with database server here
│ ├── model
│ │ ├── method.go # DIY method interfaces
│ │ └── model.go # store struct which corresponding to the database table
│ └── query # generated code's directory
│ └── gorm_generated.go # generated code
├── biz
│ └── query.go # call function in dal/gorm_generated.go and query databases
├── config
│ └── config.go # DSN for database server
├── # a shell to execute cmd/generate
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go
// generate a model struct map to table `people` in database
// generate a struct and specify struct's name
g.GenerateModelAs("people", "People")
// add option to ignore field
g.GenerateModel("people", gen.FieldIgnore("address"))
FieldIgnore // ignore field
FieldRename // rename field in struct
FieldTag // specify gorm and json tag
FieldJSONTag // specify json tag
FieldGORMTag // specify gorm tag
FieldNewTag // append new tag
Actually, you're not supposed to create a new field variable, cause it will be accomplished in generated code.
Field Type | Detail Type | Crerate Function | Supported Query Method |
generic | field | NewField | IsNull/IsNotNull/Count/Eq/Neq/Gt/Gte/Lt/Lte/Like |
int | int/int8/.../int64 | NewInt/NewInt8/.../NewInt64 | Eq/Neq/Gt/Gte/Lt/Lte/In/NotIn/Between/NotBetween/Like/NotLike/Add/Sub/Mul/Div/Mod/FloorDiv/RightShift/LeftShift/BitXor/BitAnd/BitOr/BitFlip |
uint | uint/uint8/.../uint64 | NewUint/NewUint8/.../NewUint64 | same with int |
float | float32/float64 | NewFloat32/NewFloat64 | Eq/Neq/Gt/Gte/Lt/Lte/In/NotIn/Between/NotBetween/Like/NotLike/Add/Sub/Mul/Div/FloorDiv |
string | string/[]byte | NewString/NewBytes | Eq/Neq/Gt/Gte/Lt/Lte/Between/NotBetween/In(val/NotIn(val/Like/NotLike/Regexp/NotRegxp |
bool | bool | NewBool | Not/Is/And/Or/Xor/BitXor/BitAnd/BitOr |
time | time.Time | NewTime | Eq/Neq/Gt/Gte/Lt/Lte/Between/NotBetween/In/NotIn/Add/Sub |
Create field examples:
import ""
// create a new generic field map to `generic_a`
a := field.NewField("table_name", "generic_a")
// create a field map to `id`
i := field.NewInt("user", "id")
// create a field map to `address`
s := field.NewString("user", "address")
// create a field map to `create_time`
t := field.NewTime("user", "create_time")
Here is a basic struct user
and struct DB
// generated code
// generated code
// generated code
package query
import ""
// struct map to table `users`
type user struct {
ID field.Uint
Name field.String
Age field.Int
Address field.Field
Birthday field.Time
// struct collection
type DB struct {
db *gorm.DB
User *user
// u refer to query.user
user := model.User{Name: "Modi", Age: 18, Birthday: time.Now()}
u := query.Query.User
err := u.Create(&user) // pass pointer of data to Create
err // returns error
Create a record and assgin a value to the fields specified.
u := query.Query.User
u.Select(u.Name, u.Age).Create(&user)
// INSERT INTO `users` (`name`,`age`) VALUES ("modi", 18)
Create a record and ignore the values for fields passed to omit
u := query.Query.User
u.Omit(u.Name, u.Age).Create(&user)
// INSERT INTO `users` (`Address`, `Birthday`) VALUES ("2021-08-17 20:54:12.000", 18)
To efficiently insert large number of records, pass a slice to the Create
method. GORM will generate a single SQL statement to insert all the data and backfill primary key values.
var users = []model.User{{Name: "modi"}, {Name: "zhangqiang"}, {Name: "songyuan"}}
for _, user := range users {
user.ID // 1,2,3
You can specify batch size when creating with CreateInBatches
, e.g:
var users = []User{{Name: "modi_1"}, ...., {Name: "modi_10000"}}
// batch size 100
query.Query.User.CreateInBatches(users, 100)
It will works if you set CreateBatchSize
in gorm.Config
/ gorm.Session
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{
CreateBatchSize: 1000,
// OR
db = db.Session(&gorm.Session{CreateBatchSize: 1000})
u := query.NewUser(db)
var users = []User{{Name: "modi_1"}, ...., {Name: "modi_5000"}}
// INSERT INTO users xxx (5 batches)
Generated code provides First
, Take
, Last
methods to retrieve a single object from the database, it adds LIMIT 1
condition when querying the database, and it will return the error ErrRecordNotFound
if no record is found.
u := query.Query.User
// Get the first record ordered by primary key
user, err := u.First()
// Get one record, no specified order
user, err := u.Take()
// SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1;
// Get last record, ordered by primary key desc
user, err := u.Last()
// check error ErrRecordNotFound
errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound)
u := query.Query.User
user, err := u.Where(u.ID.Eq(10)).First()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 10;
users, err := u.Where(u.ID.In(1,2,3)).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (1,2,3);
If the primary key is a string (for example, like a uuid), the query will be written as follows:
user, err := u.Where(u.ID.Eq("1b74413f-f3b8-409f-ac47-e8c062e3472a")).First()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = "1b74413f-f3b8-409f-ac47-e8c062e3472a";
u := query.Query.User
// Get all records
users, err := u.Find()
// SELECT * FROM users;
u := query.Query.User
// Get first matched record
user, err := u.Where(u.Name.Eq("modi")).First()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'modi' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
// Get all matched records
users, err := u.Where(u.Name.Neq("modi")).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name <> 'modi';
// IN
users, err := u.Where(u.Name.In("modi", "zhangqiang")).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name IN ('modi','zhangqiang');
users, err := u.Where(u.Name.Like("%modi%")).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%modi%';
// AND
users, err := u.Where(u.Name.Eq("modi"), u.Age.Gte(17)).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'modi' AND age >= 17;
// Time
users, err := u.Where(u.Birthday.Gt(birthTime).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE birthday > '2000-01-01 00:00:00';
users, err := u.Where(u.Birthday.Between(lastWeek, today)).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE birthday BETWEEN '2000-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2000-01-08 00:00:00';
u := query.Query.User
// Get by primary key if it were a non-integer type
user, err := u.Where(u.ID.Eq("string_primary_key")).First()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 'string_primary_key';
// Plain SQL
users, err := u.Where(u.Name.Eq("modi")).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = "modi";
users, err := u.Where(u.Name.Neq("modi"), u.Age.Gt(17)).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name <> "modi" AND age > 17;
Build NOT conditions, works similar to Where
u := query.Query.User
user, err := u.Not(u.Name.Eq("modi")).First()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE NOT name = "modi" ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
// Not In
users, err := u.Not(u.Name.In("modi", "zhangqiang")).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name NOT IN ("modi", "zhangqiang");
// Not In slice of primary keys
user, err := u.Not(u.ID.In(1,2,3)).First()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id NOT IN (1,2,3) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
u := query.Query.User
users, err := u.Where(u.Role.Eq("admin")).Or(u.Role.Eq("super_admin")).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE role = 'admin' OR role = 'super_admin';
Easier to write complicated SQL query with Group Conditions
p := query.Query.Pizza
pizzas, err := p.Where(
// SELECT * FROM `pizzas` WHERE (pizza = "pepperoni" AND (size = "small" OR size = "medium")) OR (pizza = "hawaiian" AND size = "xlarge")
allows you to specify the fields that you want to retrieve from database. Otherwise, GORM will select all fields by default.
u := query.Query.User
users, err := u.Select(u.Name, u.Age).Find()
// SELECT name, age FROM users;
// SELECT Avg(age) FROM users;
Specify order when retrieving records from the database
u := query.Query.User
users, err := u.Order(u.Age.Desc(), u.Name).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY age DESC, name;
// Multiple orders
users, err := u.Order(u.Age.Desc()).Order(u.Name).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY age DESC, name;
specify the max number of records to retrieve
specify the number of records to skip before starting to return the records
u := query.Query.User
urers, err := u.Limit(3).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 3;
// Cancel limit condition with -1
users, err := u.Limit(10).Limit(-1).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users;
users, err := u.Offset(3).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users OFFSET 3;
users, err := u.Limit(10).Offset(5).Find()
// Cancel offset condition with -1
users, err := u.Offset(10).Offset(-1).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users;
u := query.Query.User
type Result struct {
Date time.Time
Total int
var result Result
err := u.Select(u.Name, u.Age.Sum().As("total")).Where(u.Name.Like("%modi%")).Group(u.Name).Scan(&result)
// SELECT name, sum(age) as total FROM `users` WHERE name LIKE "group%" GROUP BY `name`
err := u.Select(u.Name, u.Age.Sum().As("total")).Group(u.Name).Having(u.Name.Eq("group")).Scan(&result)
// SELECT name, sum(age) as total FROM `users` GROUP BY `name` HAVING name = "group"
rows, err := u.Select(u.Birthday.As("date"), u.Age.Sum().As("total")).Group(u.Birthday).Rows()
for rows.Next() {
o := query.Query.Order
rows, err := o.Select(o.CreateAt.Date().As("date"), o.Amount.Sum().As("total")).Group(o.CreateAt.Date()).Having(u.Amount.Sum().Gt(100)).Rows()
for rows.Next() {
var results []Result
o.Select(o.CreateAt.Date().As("date"), o.Amount.Sum().As("total")).Group(o.CreateAt.Date()).Having(u.Amount.Sum().Gt(100)).Scan(&results)
Selecting distinct values from the model
u := query.Query.User
users, err := u.Distinct(u.Name, u.Age).Order(u.Name, u.Age.Desc()).Find()
works with Pluck
and Count
Specify Joins conditions
u := query.Query.User
e := query.Query.Email
c := query.Query.CreditCard
type Result struct {
Name string
Email string
var result Result
err := u.Select(u.Name, e.Email).LeftJoin(e, e.UserID.EqCol(u.ID)).Scan(&result)
// SELECT, FROM `users` left join emails on emails.user_id =
rows, err := u.Select(u.Name, e.Email).LeftJoin(e, e.UserID.EqCol(u.ID)).Rows()
for rows.Next() {
var results []Result
err := u.Select(u.Name, e.Email).LeftJoin(e, e.UserID.EqCol(u.ID)).Scan(&results)
// multiple joins with parameter
users := u.Join(e, e.UserID.EqCol(, e.Email.Eq("[email protected]")).Join(c, c.UserID.EqCol(u.ID)).Where(c.Number.Eq("411111111111")).Find()
A subquery can be nested within a query, GEN can generate subquery when using a Dao
object as param
o := query.Query.Order
u := query.Query.User
orders, err := o.Where(gen.Gt(o.Amount, o.Select(u.Amount.Avg())).Find()
// SELECT * FROM "orders" WHERE amount > (SELECT AVG(amount) FROM "orders");
subQuery := u.Select(u.Age.Avg()).Where(u.Name.Like("name%"))
users, err := u.Select(u.Age.Avg().As("avgage")).Group(u.Name).Having(gen.Gt(u.Age.Avg(), subQuery).Find()
// SELECT AVG(age) as avgage FROM `users` GROUP BY `name` HAVING AVG(age) > (SELECT AVG(age) FROM `users` WHERE name LIKE "name%")
GORM allows you using subquery in FROM clause with method Table
, for example:
u := query.Query.User
p := query.Query.Pet
users, err := gen.Table(u.Select(u.Name, u.Age).As("u")).Where(u.Age.Eq(18)).Find()
// SELECT * FROM (SELECT `name`,`age` FROM `users`) as u WHERE `age` = 18
subQuery1 := u.Select(u.Name)
subQuery2 := p.Select(p.Name)
users, err := gen.Table(subQuery1.As("u"), subQuery2.As("p")).Find()
db.Table("(?) as u, (?) as p", subQuery1, subQuery2).Find(&User{})
// SELECT * FROM (SELECT `name` FROM `users`) as u, (SELECT `name` FROM `pets`) as p
Update a table by using SubQuery
u := query.Query.User
c := query.Query.Company
u.Update(u.CompanyName, c.Select(c.Name).Where(c.ID.EqCol(u.CompanyID)))
// UPDATE "users" SET "company_name" = (SELECT name FROM companies WHERE = users.company_id);
u.Where(u.Name.Eq("modi")).Update(u.CompanyName, c.Select(c.Name).Where(c.ID.EqCol(u.CompanyID)))
GEN supports iterating through Rows
rows, err := query.Query.User.Where(u.Name.Eq("modi")).Rows()
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var user User
// ScanRows is a method of `gorm.DB`, it can be used to scan a row into a struct
db.ScanRows(rows, &user)
// do something
Query and process records in batch
u := query.Query.User
// batch size 100
err := u.Where(u.ID.Gt(9)).FindInBatches(&results, 100, func(tx gen.Dao, batch int) error {
for _, result := range results {
// batch processing found records
// build a new `u` to use it's api
// queryUsery := query.NewUser(tx.UnderlyingDB())
batch // Batch 1, 2, 3
// returns error will stop future batches
return nil
Query single column from database and scan into a slice, if you want to query multiple columns, use Select
with Scan
u := query.Query.User
var ages []int64
u.Pluck(u.Age, &ages)
var names []string
u.Pluck(u.Name, &names)
// Distinct Pluck
u.Distinct().Pluck(u.Name, &names)
// SELECT DISTINCT `name` FROM `users`
// Requesting more than one column, use `Scan` or `Find` like this:
db.Select(u.Name, u.Age).Scan(&users)
users, err := db.Select(u.Name, u.Age).Find()
allows you to specify commonly-used queries which can be referenced as method calls
o := query.Query.Order
func AmountGreaterThan1000(tx gen.Dao) gen.Dao {
return tx.Where(o.Amount.Gt(1000))
func PaidWithCreditCard(tx gen.Dao) gen.Dao {
return tx.Where(o.PayModeSign.Eq("C"))
func PaidWithCod(tx gen.Dao) gen.Dao {
return tx.Where(o.PayModeSign.Eq("C"))
func OrderStatus(status []string) func (tx gen.Dao) gen.Dao {
return func (tx gen.Dao) gen.Dao {
return tx.Where(o.Status.In(status...))
orders, err := o.Scopes(AmountGreaterThan1000, PaidWithCreditCard).Find()
// Find all credit card orders and amount greater than 1000
orders, err := o.Scopes(AmountGreaterThan1000, PaidWithCod).Find()
// Find all COD orders and amount greater than 1000
orders, err := o.Scopes(AmountGreaterThan1000, OrderStatus([]string{"paid", "shipped"})).Find()
// Find all paid, shipped orders that amount greater than 1000
Get matched records count
u := query.Query.User
count, err := u.Where(u.Name.Eq("modi")).Or(u.Name.Eq("zhangqiang")).Count()
// SELECT count(1) FROM users WHERE name = 'modi' OR name = 'zhangqiang'
count, err := u.Where(u.Name.Eq("modi")).Count()
// SELECT count(1) FROM users WHERE name = 'modi'; (count)
// Count with Distinct
// SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`name`)) FROM `users`
When updating a single column with Update
, it needs to have any conditions or it will raise error ErrMissingWhereClause
, for example:
u := query.Query.User
// Update with conditions
u.Where(u.Activate.Is(true)).Update(u.Name, "hello")
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE active=true;
// Update with conditions
u.Where(u.Activate.Is(true)).Update(u.Age, u.Age.Add(1))
// UPDATE users SET age=age+1, updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE active=true;
supports update with struct
or map[string]interface{}
, when updating with struct
it will only update non-zero fields by default
u := query.Query.User
// Update attributes with `map`
u).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"name": "hello", "age": 18, "active": false})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', age=18, active=false, updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE id=111;
NOTE When update with struct, GEN will only update non-zero fields, you might want to use
to update attributes or useSelect
to specify fields to update
If you want to update selected fields or ignore some fields when updating, you can use Select
, Omit
u := query.Query.User
// Select with Map
// User's ID is `111`:
u.Select(u.Name).Where(u.ID.Eq(111)).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"name": "hello", "age": 18, "active": false})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello' WHERE id=111;
u.Omit(u.Name).Where(u.ID.Eq(111)).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"name": "hello", "age": 18, "active": false})
// UPDATE users SET age=18, active=false, updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE id=111;
e := query.Query.Email
// Email's ID is `10`
// DELETE from emails where id = 10;
// Delete with additional conditions
e.Where(e.ID.Eq(10), e.Name.Eq("modi")).Delete()
// DELETE from emails where id = 10 AND name = "modi";
GEN allows to delete objects using primary key(s) with inline condition, it works with numbers.
// DELETE FROM users WHERE id IN (1,2,3);
The specified value has no primary value, GEN will perform a batch delete, it will delete all matched records
e := query.Query.Email
err := e.Where(e.Name.Like("%modi%")).Delete()
// DELETE from emails where email LIKE "%modi%";
If your model includes a gorm.DeletedAt
field (which is included in gorm.Model
), it will get soft delete ability automatically!
When calling Delete
, the record WON’T be removed from the database, but GORM will set the DeletedAt
‘s value to the current time, and the data is not findable with normal Query methods anymore.
// Batch Delete
err := u.Where(u.Age.Eq(20)).Delete()
// UPDATE users SET deleted_at="2013-10-29 10:23" WHERE age = 20;
// Soft deleted records will be ignored when querying
users, err := u.Where(u.Age.Eq(20)).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = 20 AND deleted_at IS NULL;
If you don’t want to include gorm.Model
, you can enable the soft delete feature like:
type User struct {
ID int
Deleted gorm.DeletedAt
Name string
You can find soft deleted records with Unscoped
users, err := db.Unscoped().Where(u.Age.Eq(20)).Find()
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = 20;
You can delete matched records permanently with Unscoped
// DELETE FROM orders WHERE id=10;
Method interface is an abstraction of query methods, all functions it contains are query methods and above comments describe the specific query conditions or logic.
SQL supports simple where
query or execute raw SQL. Simple query conditions wrapped by where()
, and raw SQL wrapped by sql()
(not required)
type Method interface {
// where("name=@name and age=@age")
SimpleFindByNameAndAge(name string, age int) (gen.T, error)
// sql(select * from users where id=@id)
FindUserToMap(id int) (gen.M, error)
// insert into users (name,age) values (@name,@age)
InsertValue(age int, name string) error
Return values must contains less than 1 gen.T
and less than 1 error. You can also use bulitin type (like string
/ int
) as the return parameter,gen.T
represents return a single result struct's pointer, []gen.T
represents return an array of result structs' pointer,
represents specifiedstruct
represents table's name (if method's parameter doesn't contains variabletable
, GEN will generatetable
from model struct)@@<columnName>
represents column's name or table's name@<name>
represents normal query variable
Logical operations must be wrapped in {{}}
,and end must used {{end}}
, All templates support nesting
/else if
the condition accept a bool parameter or operation expression which conforms to Golang syntax.where
clause will be inserted only if the child elements return something. The key wordand
in front of clause will be removed. Andand
will be added automatically when there is no junction keyword between query condition clause.Set
clause will be inserted only if the child elements return something. The,
in front of columns array will be removed.And,
will be added automatically when there is no junction keyword between query coulmns....
Coming soon
{{if cond1}}
// do something here
{{else if cond2}}
// do something here
// do something here
Use case in raw SQL:
// select * from users where {{if name !=""}} name=@name{{end}}
methond(name string) (gen.T,error)
Use case in raw SQL template:
select * from @@table where
{{if age>60}}
{{else if age>30}}
{{else if age>18}}
{{if sex=="male"}}
// do something here
Use case in raw SQL
// select * from {{where}}id=@id{{end}}
methond(id int) error
Use case in raw SQL template
select * from @@table
{{if cond}}id=@id {{end}}
{{if name != ""}}@@key=@value{{end}}
// sepecify update expression here
Use case in raw SQL
// update users {{set}}name=@name{{end}}
methond() error
Use case in raw SQL template
update @@table
{{if name!=""}} name=@name {{end}}
{{if age>0}} age=@age {{end}}
where id=@id
type Method interface {
// Where("name=@name and age=@age")
SimpleFindByNameAndAge(name string, age int) (gen.T, error)
// select * from users where id=@id
FindUserToMap(id int) (gen.M, error)
// sql(insert into @@table (name,age) values (@name,@age) )
InsertValue(age int, name string) error
// select name from @@table where id=@id
FindNameByID(id int) string
// select * from @@table
// {{where}}
// id>0
// {{if cond}}id=@id {{end}}
// {{if key!="" && value != ""}} or @@key=@value{{end}}
// {{end}}
FindByIDOrCustom(cond bool, id int, key, value string) ([]gen.T, error)
// update @@table
// {{set}}
// update_time=now()
// {{if name != ""}}
// name=@name
// {{end}}
// {{end}}
// {{where}}
// id=@id
// {{end}}
UpdateName(name string, id int) error
GEN allows select specific fields with Select
, if you often use this in your application, maybe you want to define a smaller struct for API usage which can select specific fields automatically, for example:
type User struct {
ID uint
Name string
Age int
Gender string
// hundreds of fields
type APIUser struct {
ID uint
Name string
type Method interface{
// select * from user
FindSome() ([]APIUser, error)
apiusers, err := u.Limit(10).FindSome()
// SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `users` LIMIT 10
Optimizer hints allow to control the query optimizer to choose a certain query execution plan, GORM supports it with
, e.g:
import ""
u := query.Query.User
users, err := u.Hints(hints.New("MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(10000)")).Find()
// SELECT * /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(10000) */ FROM `users`
Index hints allow passing index hints to the database in case the query planner gets confused.
import ""
u := query.Query.User
users, err := u.Hints(hints.UseIndex("idx_user_name")).Find()
// SELECT * FROM `users` USE INDEX (`idx_user_name`)
users, err := u.Hints(hints.ForceIndex("idx_user_name", "idx_user_id").ForJoin()).Find()
// SELECT * FROM `users` FORCE INDEX FOR JOIN (`idx_user_name`,`idx_user_id`)"
You can help to deliver a better GORM/GEN
Released under the MIT License