Please use bash as shell enivronment when execute setup macOS.
Due to f**king ADP 3.2(f), you may need to do resign or unsign before using this app. The unsign operator binary was added to here from:
A project for lazy man to reverse engineering.
This project was setup at 2018.9.25 and taking its develop by a student.
If there are something wrong with the codes or the codes is not so beautifull, then, pr it.
I promise to you I'm not an ijk developer or HanYuPinYin developer, but maybe a copy and paste developer.
:..( I'll try my best.
Demo video for decrypt an ipa from jailbroken device: Please setup environment first. (If you do it twice, overwrite.)
You have right decleared in the license, but I still need to repeat:
- Your codes must be uploaded and publicly available to somewhere that everyone can use.
- The images(like .png .tif .psd ...and more) that used in this project is NOT under this license, you can not reuse them.
- You can not say it is your work. We work together.
- Clone, pod install
- Build (Change the bundle ID in your local machine)
- Run
- Fork the project
- Create IPAForce_yournamne branch
- Commit your code
- Create Pull Request
Expect behavior:
Unexpect behavior:
Is this issue affecting you using the main function?: Y/N
Is this issue a UI issue?: Y/N
Is is necesscary to fix it imminently?: Y/N
System Version:
iOS Version:
iOS Device Model:
System logs:
(Optinal to all)
IPAForce issue report!
App version:__
Build version:__
All in all, u can u up, no can no bb.