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The Linux Foundation Videos 有很多流弊的教程视频
Developing for Android: Introduction 在Kotlin的Slack上发现的一个分享,内容好熟悉,但是忘了看没看过了,再次记录一下
SmallerAPK 系列:介绍如何精简APK大小的系列文章 SmallerAPK, Part 1: Anatomy of an APK
[SmallerAPK, Part 2: Minifying code](https://medium.com/google-developers/smallerapk-part-2-minifying-code-554560d2ed40#.5248wituf https://medium.com/@wkalicinski/smallerapk-part-3-removing-unused-resources-1511f9e3f761#.scg3av1bg)
SmallerAPK, Part 3: Removing unused resources
SmallerAPK, Part 4: Multi-APK through ABI and density splits
SmallerAPK, Part 5: Multi-APK through product flavors
SmallerAPK, Part 6: Image optimization, Zopfli & WebP
SmallerAPK, Part 7: Image optimization, Shape and VectorDrawables
SmallerAPK, Part 8: Native libraries, open from APK -
Mastering Android NDK Build System - Part 1: Techniques with ndk-build
Mastering Android NDK Build System - Part 2: Standalone toolchain
- CS 282: Principles of Operating Systems II: Concurrent Java Network Programming in Android
- Binary Instrumentation on Android
- SAFEDISPATCH: Securing C++ Virtual Calls from Memory Corruption Attack
- TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones
- AppTrace: Dynamic Trace on Android Devices
- THAW: Tangible Interaction with See-Through Augmentation for Smartphones on Computer Screens
- SAFEDISPATCH: Securing C++ Virtual Calls from Memory Corruption Attacks
这篇文章总结的不是很好,后面我会整理一份完整的 -
Android3.1(API12)之后,Android引入了一套新的启动控制。处于停止状态的应用无法进行接收广播等操作。 -
Linux inotify功能及实现原理
介绍Linux内核如何用通知用户空间程序文件系统变化。 -
介绍了Java虚拟机的运行机制以及新一代JVM的设计思路。 -
Android Monkey源码分析
Android Monkey源码分析一
Android Monkey源码分析二 -
Android -- 事件传递机制 http://www.cnblogs.com/yydcdut/p/3907743.html http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/android-event-delivery-mechanism http://blog.csdn.net/xiaanming/article/details/21696315 Android View、ViewGroup 事件分发机制(一)
Android 窗口