Things I've done to my BB8 along the way.
The relay I used can be found on Amazon, but I have seen comparable models elsewhere.
Charge port power switch - Replaced the wireless relay with a solid state one.
New lenses for addressable LEDs, intended to remove the hot spots.
Lens for front logics, print 2 of these
Lowers the center of gravity for the battery, provides a mount for the dome's electronics and a switch. The switch is easily accessible and the dome can be plugged in to charge while on the droid.
P2 Square Lens STL - A neopixel lens used with Cary's thin panels, this fits in panel 2's square cutout.
One, if not my favorite mods.
Wireless Firmware Upload and Editing - With a few simple modifications you can upload new firmware and edit your drive settings no disassembly required.
WAGO Axle Mount STL - Easily secure WAGO connectors to your axle using a zip tie. Can support 4 WAGO connectors per axle.
Mount for induction power coils. These slide into the Halo setup easily. I decided to not go this route because of the enefiecient power transfer. The transmitter coils tolerance for out of spec voltage was bad. I fried my first. After regulating it, then looking at the power recived on the other end, it about a 50% power loss. That coupled with the expensive slip ring and parts, I decided to abandon my effort. But it's here if you like.
Halo Receiver Mount - The receiving mount which attaches the magnet mounts.
Halo Transmitter Mount - The transmitter mount which attaches the mount inside the body.
Halo Electronics Mount - The board for the dome slides into this mount.