This package uses pdm
for package and virtual environment management.
To install pdm
, run:
curl -sSL | python3 -
On Ubuntu, it may be necessary to do the following:
apt install python3.10-venv
To install dependencies:
pdm install
pdm run pre-commit install
To run unit tests:
pdm run pytest
To check types:
pdm run mypy .
We use alembic to manage system table schema migrations. To generate a new migration, run:
pdm run alembic revision -m "<new migration name>"
This command will add a new file under the dbos/migrations/versions/
For more information, read alembic tutorial.
To cut a new release, run:
python3 [--version_number <version>]
Version numbers follow semver. This command tags the latest commit with the version number and creates a release branch for it. If a version number is not supplied, it automatically generated a version number by incrementing the last released minor version.
To patch a release, push the patch as a commit to the appropriate release branch. Then, tag it with a version number:
git tag <version-number>
git push --tags
This version must follow semver: It should increment by one the patch number of the release branch.
Preview versions are PEP440-compliant alpha versions.
They can be published from main
Their version number is <next-release-version>a<number-of-git-commits-since-release>
You can install the latest preview version with pip install --pre dbos
Test versions are built from feature branches.
Their version number is <next-release-version>a<number-of-git-commits-since-release>+<git-hash>
Run the Publish to PyPI
GitHub action on the target branch.