The swiss army knife of PDF Analysis Tools.
- patrickdw123(at)gmail(dot)com
- Linkedin - search for Patrick Wragg.
- In order to crack passwords:
- PdfCrack needed (apt-get install pdfcrack)
- In order to remove DRM (editing, copying Etc.):
- Calibre's ebook-convert needed (apt-get install calibre)
- In order to decrypt PDFs:
- qpdf needed (apt-get install qpdf)
- In order to use the command redact:
- NLTK (Natural Language ToolKit) needed (apt-get install python-nltk)
- Java (Stanford parser is written in Java) needed (apt-get install default-jre)
- To support XML output "lxml" is needed:
- Included modules: lzw, colorama, jsbeautifier, ccitt, pythonaes (Thanks to all the developers!!)
No installation is needed apart of the commented dependencies, just execute:
There are two important options when ParanoidF is executed:
-f: Ignores the parsing errors. Analysing malicious files propably leads to parsing errors, so this parameter should be set. -l: Sets the loose mode, so does not search for the endobj tag because it's not obligatory. Helpful with malformed files.
- Simple execution
Shows the statistics of the file after being decoded/decrypted and analysed:
python [options] pdf_file
- Interactive console
Executes the interactive console, giving a wide range of tools to play with.
python -i
- Batch execution
It's possible to use a commands file to specify the commands to be executed in the batch mode. This type of execution is good to automatise analysis of several files:
python [options] -s commands_file
If the information shown when a PDF file is parsed is not enough to know if it's harmful or not, the following commands can help to do it:
- tree
Shows the tree graph of the file or specified version. Here we can see suspicious elements.
- offsets
Shows the physical map of the file or the specified version of the document. This is helpful to see unusual big objects or big spaces between objects.
- search
Search the specified string or hexadecimal string in the objects (decoded and encrypted streams included).
- object/rawobject
Shows the (raw) content of the object.
- stream/rawstream
Shows the (raw) content of the stream.
- Refine and test redaction thresholds.
- Digital Signatures.
Feel free to send bugs/criticisms/praises/comments to patrickdw123(at)gmail(dot)com.