- Add unit tests
- Send logs to cloudwatch
- Explore morgan integration
- Automatically assign SessionId and RequestId if available
- Handling of PII/sensitive information
- Option 1: Wrap this with fast-redact (https://github.com/davidmarkclements/fast-redact) such that clients can pass keys that should be redacted
- Option 2: PII tagging system (field/object) to automatically remove sensitive information from logs
- Config files that can be used by consumers to automatically configure logger to fit needs (i.e. using this logger in a raspberry pi env vs in ECS)
- File/env-var based logger on/off switch
- Useful when logs are not needed when running unit tests
- Speed up the development of applications without worrying about the logging frameworks
- Make it dead simple to use
- Use uniform log objects
- No more guessing what the logs look like
- Simplifies log querying across the board (in Data Dog, for example)
- Add github package registry to your project
# Because this package is hosted in @sweetgreen's github repository, you will need to add our registry to your project:
# In your project root:
echo "//npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=YOUR_GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN\nregistry=https://npm.pkg.github.com/sweetgreen" >> .npmrc
# See https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token to create a personal access token.
# WARNING: make sure the .npmrc file is .gitignored!
- Add to your node project
# yarn
yarn add @sweetgreen/sg-node-logger
# npm
npm i @sweetgreen/sg-node-logger
// CommonJS
const { logDebug } = require('@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger');
// ES6
import { logDebug } from '@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger';
logDebug('Debug message');
import {
} from '@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger';
logDebug('Debug message');
logVerbose('Verbose message');
logInfo('Info message');
logWarn('Warn message');
logError('Error message');
import { logDebug } from '@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger';
// WARNING: it's your responsibility to remove all PII
const customData = {
a: 'some string',
b: 12345,
logDebug('Debug message', customData);
import { logDebug } from '@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger';
const tags: string[] = ['main-feature-name', 'sub-feature-name'];
logDebug('Debug message', undefined, tags);
import { logError } from '@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger';
try {
// CODE ...
} catch (error) {
logError('Error message', error);
This code is using the default configuration under the hood
import { logDebug } from '@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger';
logDebug('Debug message');
Details of the default configuration (for the latest configuration checkout the function defaultConfig()
in the configs.ts
environments: [
nodeEnvName: Environment.Production,
transports: [
type: Transport.SimpleConsole,
minimumLogLevel: LogLevel.Info,
nodeEnvName: Environment.PreProduction,
transports: [
type: Transport.SimpleConsole,
minimumLogLevel: LogLevel.Info,
- Note that "production" and "preproduction" NODE_ENV values will be used if using the default configuration. Ensure to adjust your NODE_ENV environment values accordingly.
- Pre-defined configurations will be added over time to make it dead simple to use and to keep the code clean.
import { configureLogger, aPredefinedConfig } from '@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger';
// Keep the configuration close to the application's entry point
logDebug('Debug message');
import {
} from '@sweetgreen/sg-node-logger';
const myConfigs: LoggerConfig = {
environments: [
nodeEnvName: 'production',
transports: [
type: Transport.SimpleConsole,
minimumLogLevel: LogLevel.Verbose, // Optional: defaults to Info
type: Transport.AwsCloudWatch, // Coming soon
minimumLogLevel: LogLevel.Warn, // Optional: defaults to Info
nodeEnvName: 'development',
transports: [
type: Transport.SimpleConsole,
minimumLogLevel: LogLevel.Error, // Optional: defaults to Info
// Keep the configuration close to the application's entry point
logDebug('Debug message');
can be any value that your application uses in its lifecycle ('prod' vs. 'production', 'dev' vs. 'develop', etc)
This repo uses commitizen and is set up in such a way that when you commit, you'll be prompted with a commit wizard. Your inputs will determine what version CI will bump this package to 🍻