Matrix is a plugin style, non-invasive APM system developed by WeChat.
KOOM is an OOM killer on mobile platform by Kwai.
AndFix is a library that offer hot-fix for Android App.
Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
library for android which can observe signal from native crash or ANR
RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework
实现 looper 兜底机制的 demo,支持远程下载 crash 兜底的配置文件,出现 crash 时,通过对异常各种信息、app 和系统版本信息等来实现崩溃画像匹配,保护住之后还可以进行一些自定义操作,如 toast、清除缓存等
Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat.
🔥 xCrash provides the Android app with the ability to capture java crash, native crash and ANR. No root permission or any system permissions are required.
🎉 A framework for improving android 32bit app stability. (Alleviate crashes caused by insufficient virtual memory)
🔥基于堆栈采样,使用函数火焰图的形式展示Android Main Looper的慢消息处理过程,定位阻塞原因
Fastbot(2.0) is a model-based testing tool for modeling GUI transitions to discover app stability problems
🔥基于 Kotlin 语言仿写「开眼 Eyepetizer」的一个短视频 Android 客户端项目,采用 Jetpack + 协程实现的 MVVM 架构。
🔥 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现短视频类小项目,简约风格及详细注释,欢迎 star or fork!
Code repo for realtime multi-person pose estimation in CVPR'17 (Oral)