This is an OPC UA experimental Pubsub implementation.
The implementation is based on the foundation of the crate opcua.
Currently only standalone subscriber and publisher via UADP are supported, see examples standalone_subscriber and standalone_publisher. The subscriber is tested against open62541
Warning this crate is in prototyping stage! Library interfaces will like change.
- Pubsub Messages
- Standalone Subscription
- Standalone Publisher
- integrated Subscription
- integrated Publisher
- PubSub EventLoop
- Tokio support
- Udp wit uadp encoding
- Eth with uadp encoding
- MQTT with uadp encoding
- MQTT with json encoding
- AMQP with uadp encoding
- AMQP with json encoding
- UADP Data Messages
- UADP Delta Messages
- UADP Events Messages
- UADP Keepalive Message
- UADP Chunked Messages
- UADP Discovery
- UADP Security
- wip
- PubSubConnection
- PublishedDataSet
- WriterGroup
- DataSetWriter
- Information Model
- PubSubConnection
- SubscripedDataSet
- ReaderGroup
- DataSetReader
- Link DataSet with DataSource
- Information Model
- MessageOrdering
- Raw Structures
- KeepAlive
- DeltaFrames
- Max message length
- Conform specs for alle points
- Expand integration tests and add more tests
- "mqtt" - enables mqtt via paho
- "server-integration" - enables integrates the opcua pubsub with an opcua server, it uses the opcua-server crate.
The code is licenced under MPL-2.0. Like all open source code, you use this code at your own risk.