A tiny (247B) utility to check for deep equality
This module supports comparison of all types, including Function
, RegExp
, Date
, null
, undefined
, and NaN
Objects and Arrays are traversed recursively.
Please note that key order within Objects does not affect the result.
However, the value order within Arrays does matter.
This module exposes two module definitions:
- ES Module:
- CommonJS:
- UMD:
$ npm install --save dequal
const dequal = require('dequal');
dequal(1, 1); //=> true
dequal({}, {}); //=> true
dequal('foo', 'foo'); //=> true
dequal([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]); //=> true
dequal(dequal, dequal); //=> true
dequal(/foo/, /foo/); //=> true
dequal(null, null); //=> true
dequal(NaN, NaN); //=> true
dequal([], []); //=> true
[{ a:1 }, [{ b:{ c:[1] } }]],
[{ a:1 }, [{ b:{ c:[1] } }]]
); //=> true
dequal(1, '1'); //=> false
dequal(null, undefined); //=> false
dequal({ a:1, b:[2,3] }, { a:1, b:[2,5] }); //=> false
dequal(/foo/i, /bar/g); //=> false
Returns: Boolean
Both foo
and bar
can be on any type.
A Boolean
is returned indicating if the two were deeply equal.
MIT © Luke Edwards