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TWKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'TWKit'
pod 'TWKit/EasyStyle'
pod 'TWKit/GetConstraint'
pod 'TWKit/AttributedString'
pod 'TWKit/KeyboardHelper'
pod 'TWKit/ObjectPool'
pod 'TWKit/StructObject'
pod 'TWKit/Function'
pod 'TWKit/Extension'
let manger = EasyStyleManager.sharedInstance
manger.registerStyle("sample") { view in
if let label = view as? UILabel {
label.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
manger.registerStyle("test") { view in
if let label = view as? UILabel {
label.textColor = UIColor.cyanColor()
####Applying Styles:
view.easyStyle = "sample, test"
taewankim, [email protected]
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