This is the benchmark tool for MQTT Broker implemented by golang. This can benchmark the throughput for publishing and subscribing.
Supported benchmark pattern is:
- Parallel publish from clients
- Parallel subscribe from clients
- Precondition
- The MQTT Broker is started.
$ mqtt-bench -broker=tcp:// -action=pub
2015-04-04 12:47:38.690896 +0900 JST Start benchmark
2015-04-04 12:47:38.765896 +0900 JST End benchmark
Result : broker=tcp://, clients=10, totalCount=1000, duration=72ms, throughput=13888.89messages/sec
- Precondition
- The MQTT Broker is started.
- The MQTT broker will keep the messages. It will be published the message with retained.
(Keep the messages before subscribing)
$ mqtt-bench -broker=tcp:// -action=pub -retain=true
$ mqtt-bench -broker=tcp://{host}:{port} -action=sub
2015-04-04 12:50:27.188396 +0900 JST Start benchmark
2015-04-04 12:50:27.477896 +0900 JST End benchmark
Result : broker=tcp://, clients=10, totalCount=1000, duration=287ms, throughput=3484.32messages/sec
Usage of mqtt-bench
-action="p|pub|publish or s|sub|subscribe" : Publish or Subscribe (required)
-broker="tcp://{host}:{port}" : URI of MQTT broker (required)
-broker-password="" : Password for connecting to the MQTT broker
-broker-username="" : Username for connecting to the MQTT broker
-qos=0 : MQTT QoS(0|1|2)
-retain=false : MQTT Retain
-topic="/mqtt-bench/benchmark" : Base topic
-clients=10 : Number of clients
-count=100 : Number of loops per client
-size=1024 : Message size per publish (byte)
-pretime=3000 : Pre wait time (ms)
-intervaltime=0 : Interval time per message (ms)
-x=false : Debug mode