Utilities for consolidating, filtering, resolving, and annotating structural variants.
$ git clone https://github.com/talkowski-lab/svtk.git
$ cd svtk
$ pip install -e .
SVTK: A toolkit for manipulating structural variation
usage: svtk [-h] <subcommand> [options]
[ Preprocessing ]
standardize Convert SV calls to a standardized format.
rdtest2vcf Convert an RdTest-formatted bed to a standardized VCF.
[ Algorithm integration ]
vcfcluster Cluster SV calls from a list of VCFs. (Generally PE/SR.)
bedcluster Cluster SV calls from a BED. (Generally depth.)
[ Statistics ]
count-svtypes Count instances of each svtype in each sample in a VCF
[ Read-depth analysis ]
bincov Calculate normalized genome-wide depth of coverage.
rdtest* Calculate comparative coverage statistics at CNV sites.
[ PE/SR analysis ]
collect-pesr Count clipped reads and extract discordant pairs genomewide.
sr-test Calculate enrichment of clipped reads at SV breakpoints.
pe-test Calculate enrichment of discordant pairs at SV breakpoints.
[ Variant analysis ]
resolve Resolve complex variants from VCF of breakpoints.
annotate Annotate genic effects and ovelrap with noncoding elements.
* Not yet implemented
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit