WebRTC wrapper for peer-to-peer (P2P) communication with built-in signaling for React and Vue.
1. Install the package
2. Import, configure, create an instance
3. Wire up signaling on client-side
4. Setup signaling on server-side
4. Using media stream, datachannel
npm install neat-rtc
import NeatRTC from 'neat-rtc';
const config = {
devMode: true,
videoIdLocal: 'localVideo',
videoIdRemote: 'remoteVideo',
connected: connected,
mediaStreamConnected: mediaStreamConnected,
mediaStreamRemoved: mediaStreamRemoved,
mediaStreamRemoteRemoved: mediaStreamRemoteRemoved,
datachannels: [
name: 'text',
callbacks: {
open: datachannelOpen,
message: datachannelMessage,
error: datachannelError,
close: datachannelClose
rtc = new NeatRTC(config, sendSignalingMessage);
Important: you have to set up all of the callback functions above.
Start signaling if clients connected to the same room, messages from 'join' namespace.
join(message => {
const { clientCount } = message;
if (clientCount === 2) {
Use your Socket.IO send function, messages to 'signaling' namespace.
sendSignalingMessage = (message) => {
send('signaling', message);
Use your Socket.IO receive function, messages from 'signaling' namespace.
signaling(message => {
Joining connected clients to a room, using 'join' namespace.
const join = (room) => {
// Count clients in room
const clientCount = (typeof io.sockets.adapter.rooms[room] !== 'undefined') ? io.sockets.adapter.rooms[room].length : 0;
// Check if client can join to the room
if (clientCount < 2) {
socket.emit('join', { clientCount: clientCount+1 });
console.log('Joined to room!');
} else {
console.log('Room is full!');
Messaging between clients during signaling, using 'signaling' namespace.
socket.on('signaling', message => {
socket.to(room).emit('signaling', message);
Note: you need to join the clients to the same room for signaling. You can find an example to this at the ./examples/server/
Alternatively you can use your custom method to send/receive signaling messages between the clients.
Better quality (hd720, hd1080)
rtc.media('start', { resolution: 'hd720' });
rtc.media('start', { resolution: 'hd1080' });
Only voice (without video)
rtc.media('start', { voice: true });
Remote (stop incoming stream)
The message can be a string or an object.
rtc.send('text', { content: 'Datachannel message' });
Every datachannel message will arrive to the callback function you set to datachannel, in this case it's the 'datachannelMessage' function.
datachannelMessage = (channel, message) => {
console.log(channel, message);
Included working examples for React and Vue with a Node.js (Express, Socket.IO) server. You can download it on github. https://github,com/tamasszoke/neat-rtc
You have to run a client (React or Vue) and the server separately.
Start with running these in the root folder ./
npm install
npm run build
To test the connection, open two browser tabs, they will connect automatically and you can use the built-in functions to try out media stream and datachannel.
Navigate to the ./examples/client/react/
npm install
npm start
Module imported in: ./examples/client/react/src/App.js
Navigate to the ./examples/client/vue/
npm install
npm run dev
Module imported in: ./examples/client/vue/src/components/Home.js
Navigate to the ./examples/server/
npm install
npm start
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2019 Tamas Szoke